Rejuvenaide max pellets?

Does anyone use this? I put my weanling on it right after he was weaned and came to me from the breeder. He is almost a year old and I’m just wondering how long to keep him on it? It’a not inexpensive, and he’s also on a balancer. Like all supplements and horses, I’m not sure what’s worth it to spend money and what is not.

I use the liquid until my foals are reliably eating the minimum amount of Foal’s First milk based creep feed which contains more or less the same thing as Rejuvenaide. At four months I switch to a ration balancer. If at any point their growth is looking a bit wonky I will add Rejuvenaide in to their diet until they level out but that is very rare. More isn’t always better, if they are eating a good ration balancer you likely don’t need it.

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If he’s on the proper amount of the balancer for his age and weight, and he doesn’t have issues, there’s no need for any supplement like that.