That was well before my time, no memories here.
He was WAY before my time as well.
Does that mean that you have no interest in learning more?
If YOU are not interested in learning more, I would NEVER hire you for ANYTHING!
There is NOTHING worse in the horse-world, than a “I Know It All!”
Pot calling kettle…?
Good to know.
I was always fascinated by him, and yes, he was well before my time. However, I love ready about the history of TBs, and have a ton of books. The story of Sunny Jim tossing Seabiscuit aside is an interesting one.
I love reading about Tesio, and Dick Francis- back when he was a jockey- I know his nooks are great, but I love non-fictional works.
Have you read Dick Francis’ The Sport of Queens and A Jockey’s Life? Both nonfiction,
I remember a photo of Sunny Jim in the World Book Encyclopedia we had as children.
But that link posted in the OP only goes to gmail, not to anything about Sunny Jim.
It’s amazing how much they accomplished without the depth of knowledge we have now on conditioning and genetics. And I read every Dick Francis book as well, loved them!
My Francis favorites are 10-lb. Penalty, Shattered, and The Sport of Queens.
This may have some basis in fact, or it may be another urban tale, but I read somewhere that Sunny Jim was at least in part responsible for the formulation of Bigeloil. Anyone know?
I ran into this online recently and thought it was interesting. Here’s Sunny Jim’s “fantasy stable.” He was giving this in 1957.
I’m sorry RPM, I didn’t realize that! I’ll look for the article!
RPM, I don’t know if this works, but trying:…-23-2018-print
Maybe you got to buy the Blood-Horse to get the article?
I’m sorry RPM, if this link didn’t work.
Pot? Kettle? Confused. VERY confused.
WHAT is WHO babbling about now??