Renewing Premium status?

Last year at about this time, I renewed my COTH magazine subscription and my premium membership on the BB was also renewed as part of the deal. This year I thought I sent my check in plenty early enough to avoid interruption of both.

Yesterday I got my 2nd renewal notice for the mag and I am back to “Grand Prix” on the BB.

My question is: are both things due to it being slow in the office, or do I need to renew my BB membership seperately this year?

The premium membership/subscription deal was a one-time promotion. So yes, you will have to renew your premium membership separately. It is still active – as you can see, it still says “premium member” on your posts. It should say somewhere in your profile when it expires.

For questions on the magazine, either call the toll-free subscription number, or email Gloria at the COTH office:

Thanks Erin, I’m sorry to be a dork and not notice that it was still active…
I just saw the “Grand Prix” and didn’t look further I guess. I’m off to renew and post baby pix :smiley:

Premium Membership

Last year I applied for Premium Membership during the 'special subscription/membership offering. I subscribed to the Chronicle, but never received my premium membership. What do I have to do this year?

Well, I assume you had another name, because the membership deal was offered before your registration date on Mar. 9, 2006, which is the day the BB moved to this new server… so I’m guessing you had trouble resetting the password on your other account and signed up for a new one? Your premium membership is probably on your other name.

As I said, the premium membership/subscription thing was a one-time promotion that has ended. Subscriptions are not tied to premium memberships – the promotion was offered as part of a subscription drive.

If you’d like a premium membership, see this thread in the FAQ forum: