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Renting in Ocala with dogs

I am trying to find a place to rent next year that is a house or barn apartment with room for me, five horses and five dogs. What are the chances that that will exist? We are clean, neat, friendly and everyone but me is gelded, spayed or neutered.

Try looking here:

OP - I think you will be most hampered by the five dogs. We came down to central Florida for two winters and were quite challenged finding a place for two dogs. This is not to say you wont get lucky, but start early - as you seem to be - and look everywhere you can think of. Might even want to find a real human that is in the real estate business to help. If you know ANYONE in the area, contact them. Consider also (which maybe you are) renting one place for you/canines and another place for the equines.

I have a realtor friend here in town. Are you on facebook? Her name is Sue Hansen. Horsewoman. Here is her office [B]Sellstate Next Generation Realty /B 387-2383

PM from a fellow Bostonian sent :slight_smile:

Thank you Punkie!