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Repeat colic for 10 months, every test you could imagine, finally SOLVED

He’s gorgeous and sounds like a sweetheart!:heart_eyes: You’re a lucky girl and a wonderful horse mom for not giving up on finding out how to help your boy. Best wishes for many happy and healthy years together.:kissing_heart:


So pretty! I’m sure he could tell a lot of interesting tales of his time in the wild.


Not to mention that parietal cells aren’t the only cells with proton pumps, they’re also found in cell lysosomes. I’ve seen a few publications mentioning proton pump inhibitors impairs lysosomal function in people. I’m not a biologist so maybe there’s sketchy things in how they ran things but I’ve always kind of wondered about that (ie PPI and other cells with proton pumps).


I agree completely. When my husband was in Iraq, he developed the bacteria H. Pylori. It damaged the lining of his intestinal tract and then made him develop ulcers which reoccurred later in life as well. When OP was describing the abnormal stool, my mind immediately went to abnormal bacterial overgrowth, which I also connected to reoccurring ulcers. It just makes sense.

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I’m SOOOOO happy to see a Fidertanz line! And Rhodiamant offspring seem to be SUCH nice kids <3


Just the best in every possible way!

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I shared this thought with our vet team and will let you know what they say.

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I am certainly influenced by this thread.

Without treking over a long story with no consistent track, I think it would be smart to do these tests on my horse. It would never have occurred to me without this thread. If he has a similar condition, it might be the common link that explains many things. What tests should I be asking for?


Gastroscopy after fasting (we did 16 hours), pH testing of stomach fluid stall-side (should be 1-2 after fasting), and pull stomach fluid sample from gastroscopy tube to send to lab for bacterial analysis.

Ultrasound of all segments of intestinal system - after fasting the stomach is smaller and more intestinal tract can be seen. Look at as much as can be seen on ultrasound, including colon. Look for inflammation evidenced by intestinal thickening.

If you can have vet take tissue sample of stomach lining and duodenum, that would be helpful. Look for eosinophils or other abnormalities in tissue.

I hope this is helpful - please connect on PM if I can share more!


What’s amazing to me is that so many bacteria can survive such an acidic pH.

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Could you please let us know what the fecal results are when you get them? I’d love to know if they see the same bacteria present in the feces.


Thank you OP! :slight_smile:

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6 isn’t terribly acidic, which is the problem. 7.0 is neutral. The stomach should be <= 4, and down in the 1.5 range near the pyloric valve


Thanks for catching that JB. I had misread that the stomach fluid pH was 1-1.5. You’re right that it was much higher which makes more sense bacterial overgrowth-wise. Must read more carefully!!


Absolutely - as mentioned I have more than a year of samples, and just waiting to see where they can go for analysis …

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Your vet should be able to look at a slide and interpret them in-house or send them to an outside lab they use for reading.

ETA: you could potentially also send a sample here:


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Fascinating update, thank you OP.

The poop really says it all. My one mare came off the track severely malnourished, her poop stunk so bad and it was always huge blobs. Finally after 2 years of getting her healthy, she has the most perfect little balled piles of poop ever, and her poop smells normal.

Only horse people understand the glee in this lol


What is lysosomal function?

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Did he learn how he developed the bacteria H. Pylori? This is all so interesting to learn about.

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I asked my vet about this also - always trying to learn.

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