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Replacement for Dobbin's Delights (peppermint)?

Our feed and tack store says Purina has stopped selling Dobbin’s Delights Peppermint (at least, the big bags)… Does anyone have a good replacement? My pooped-by-a-unicorn ideal treats would have the following (from most important to least important):

  1. Peppermint flavor, the stronger the better.
  2. Healthy-ish–mostly grain ingredients, not entirely sugar. (Not worried about calories, just the healthiness of the calories.)
  3. Easy on elderly pony’s teeth, easy to chew without leaving a lot of sticky residue (Dobin’s Delights has a kind of puffed crunchy texture, so they were hard treats but easy to bite into).
  4. Cheap-ish.
  5. Available in a bulk bag (20 pounds is good).
  6. A good size and shape for hand feeding as a frequent reward (training treats). Like: Solid cookies that are a uniform shape/size, don’t crumble too easy, that are somehow large without being dense so they’re easy to handle without being too much treat for each reward–if that makes any sense (Dobbin’s Delights were kind of puffy, so larger but a lot of it was air).
  7. Either can order online (cheaply) or can have the tack store order for me with their normal load (cheaply).