Reputable dealers in Europe to buy young horse from

Hi all -

I had planned to use the FB groups to connect with breeders/dealers in Europe to import my next young horse. I’m likely going to be buying a 3 or 4 year old off video, and am obviously looking to get as much horse as I can. Does anyone have great contacts to share? I’m not opposed to US either, but I’d want to buy direct from breeders - I’m really not looking to pay the middle person mark up from someone else importing. Thanks!

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Bolesworth Elite sales coming up soon: Nina Barbour has an excellent reputation. Billy Stud run by the Funnells, both Olympians, excellent horses. Mount St John has a few foals. All in UK and on line.

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I can tell you to stay away, far, away from RD Horses (Rebecca Dudley) in Holland. If you want more information, feel free to PM me. If you are buying off video and something goes wrong and you buy in Europe, you have no protections. I went in person, and did all the right things and still had a horrible situation out of it.

If you are willing to stay in the US…KC Dunn at Timbach Farm. After my horrible experience, I decided to stay in the US for the next horse. I found KC when looking for a very specific mare line…I have a 4yo and 2yo from her breeding program and I absolutely adore both of them…I would buy another from her except that 2 babies are more than enough work right now! She has super youngsters (though you may have to look at younger than 3 or 4)…great movement and brains. There are several other amazing US breeders…Rolling Stone Farm and Maplewood Warmbloods come to mind as they usually have some 3-4 yos.


I had a bad experience with an agent called Lottie Chatterton


I know you said you did not want to work with an agent, but I have gotten my last two youngsters through Amy Doran at Supreme Sport Horses and it was an excellent experience both times. My newest guy is the one in my profile pic here. They were honestly represented and reasonably priced.

Don’t know whether you’ve already seen this but a lot of sellers advertise directly here:

There are a lot of dealers, too but at least you can get an idea of domestic pricing. Major caveat emptor caution, of course.

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I know two people who had very disappointing outcomes with Supreme Sport Horse.


Agree to avoid RD from personal experience and Supreme has sent some very unusable horses here. Sadly it is hard. You could try HW warmbloods as she seems only interested in video sales but at least has good references

Thought of another. DHI Performance Horses owned by the Woodheads who not only produce top horses but also have two daughters who are international competitors in eventing and dressage.

I have nothing but wonderful things to say about RD - bought 3 awesome horses, all sales were excellent experiences and professionally handled. Other people that I know who used RD are also satisfied with their purchases (including some top US riders). I’ve been to many barns with RD with clients in tow and was impressed with her connections, service and knowledge. In my experience the unhappy buyers are those with unrealistic expectations.

Nicole Pavitt (uk) has a five year old gelding I think she just listed. I know her well and would buy from her in a minute of I were looking Video is on her fb page. She and her family always have young horses.

In my experience the unhappy buyers are those with unrealistic expectations.

ETK - The first horse I vetted through RD, I was told the noise he made while u/s was not an issue, it had been vetted and was no problem, that no further workup was needed. After insisting (with a lot of pushback and cancellation of a test I was paying for), it turned out he had a collapsed airway that would not be treatable, along with a hard to treat infection of the airway. Prognosis was he would never be able to breath for any collected work.

The second horse I vetted and bought…when vetting we asked if she was ever injected, on sedatives, etc. Was told no, never…mare arrived in quarantine with a half used large bottle of sedatives with her name and dose instructions. It was a sedative that could only be obtained from a vet. She proceeded to nearly kill one of the handlers at a very highly experienced quarantine center…and was very dangerous to handle/ride at home. She also had multiple episodes severe colic (once while at the vet hospital for a behavioral eval)…the final one was so bad, we euthanized. Necropsy showed a rare acute on chronic pancreatitis…with high suspicion that she had been having episodes of pancreatits before I purchased her.

I don’t think my expectations were unrealistic.


I always find it interesting to see comments like this one. I am sure every seller has some folks who end up unhappy with what they bought - SS in general offers youngsters, and most of her sales are video/online transactions so probably there is more risk than in situations where people buy made horses and try them in person etc. However, Amy has tons of happy references from clients, and I know I have referred three different people who have 5 nice horses from her between them. I guess to each their own.

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I hope you will consider the domestic breeders. There are so many nice youngsters being produced here that are comparable to those across
the pond.


This is so true… I just wish it was easier to find / try them. I know personally my biggest struggle is lack of time - when I was in the market I could easily see so many nice quality youngsters in Europe at one or two very nearby places. US breeders have it harder unfortunately, wish there was a more central location for buyers & sellers to meet up!


Agreed. My youngster is a US bred boy, and my trainer has a wonderful 3 year old dressage prospect available.

by all means - I’m very willing to consider US breeders, send the links my way. To be clear I’m looking to replace my aging FEI horse, so I’m looking for a super active hind leg, uphill canter, ability to sit, etc. hot is a-ok, crazy not so much.

Daniella and Jan Van Tuijl

I got a fantastic 3 year old from them. I referred them to one of my oldest friends who is presently buying her 4th horse from them. They also sold Utopia to Carl Hester and Florentina to Charlotte DuJardin

you can search them on Facebook or send me a pm

Same here! Would love to buy here but dont even know where to look as FB is almost useless and the other sites only have a few choices.

Toine Hoefs and Norbert Geiling have sent me some nice horses.