Doing chores yesterday morning in the goat barn we heard a cat yowling in the silo at the end of their barn . Sounded like it was in a pit.
We wondered if it was our feral cat named " Barn Kitty" that lives in the loft above ( i feed her) but later I saw her on the hay bales when I fed her and all was quiet so we thought it was her and she had a way out.
Well at 5:30 we heard it again. I looked to see if there was a doorway at our level to get into the silo and it was blocked by all kinds of heavy debris from years past. Just then my husband is coming up the hill to do his garden stuff and I said " there is a cat trapped in the silo".
I married a good man – even though he was tired, had his own stuff to do , had a long day at work and a 90 minute commute ( one way) he went right over and started clearing the heavy debris away, went and got a ladder, climbed down into the silo ( at least 6 feet below ground level)
and found that Barn Kitty had 2 kittens down there!
1 sadly was dead but the other was screaming up a storm!
He brought him up and I took him into the loft and put him near Barn Kitty and he went right to her. I didn’t know if she would move him again or worse yet put him back in the silo but this is what I found this morning.
Please excuse the pigeon feathers . We have unwanted pigeons and I need to sweep!
I named the kitten “Silo”.