Research Survey (Horse owners over 18 welcome) - Human Equine Attachment Questionnaire

Hi all - I am a student researcher from Colorado State University in the department of psychology. We are inviting participants who are over the age of 18 and who own or rent/lease a horse. Participation will take approximately 20 – 30 minutes. This an anonymous online survey. Participation in this research is voluntary. We will not collect names or any other personal identifiers. While there are no direct benefits, we hope participants will learn more about the relationship they have with their horse. They will also be helping to inform the practices of Equine Assisted Services that use horses to promote human well-being.

Here is the link to participate in this research and to complete the online survey:

The CSU IRB (FWA0000647) has completed its review of protocol 3619 The Human-Equine Attachment Questionnaire . In accordance with federal and state requirements, and policies established by the CSU IRB, the committee has approved this protocol under Exempt review. If you have any questions about the rights of participants in this research, please contact the CSU IRB at:

Started survey but can’t continue as I am in Canada.

I’m in Canada and was able to complete it. When it asks which state you live in the first option was something like “I don’t reside in the USA”

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“I want to merge completely with another.”

What in the actual… :face_vomiting:


Yeah this is weird. Many questions that seem to come from an intimate relationship anxiety quiz or something.

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Yeah. Also questions that skew young. For us old folks, we don’t have parental figures anymore and if our parents are still alive we are caretakers humoring loss of faculties and even dementia so we often don’t really confide in them any more.

I was hoping for more nuanced questions on animal behavior :slight_smile:


WAYYYY too long. I gave up after many minutes and many pages. And, the relationship questions - I am divorced. The answers easily tell you that!!


I took it. I suspect my results will be boring as I am trusting and emotionally stable, and while I like my animals, I do not worry about what will happen to them.

I guess this study will see if people who are emotionally vulnerable depend on their horse to fulfill their emotional needs?

Agree that it skews young in all senses. My oldest horse is 28 and is entirely good with grazing all day and all night without thinking about me except when it is time to eat her grain. I’m good with that too. She’s a horse.

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Did any of you who did the survey


I’m not sure how filling out a survey would do that… :thinking:


I think you might have learned if you have an unhealthy attachment to your horse or to other animals or people. :slight_smile: