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Rethinking New Name - New Horse


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How about something in yiddish? My father was always trying to get me to name my horses with yiddish insults, which for some reason he thought would be hysterical. But maybe something that represents your Dad?


Sounds like my dad. He’s not allowed to name anything. He was going to name a fish Fluffy.


Beautiful horse!

Some possible names:

Rag-top (barn name Rags)
Agave (barn name Aga)
Jury Trial (barn name Trey)

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What about Tevye? Father from Fiddler on the Roof (the actor just passed away and it’s in my head)

But, more importantly, IS HE HERE???

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Yom Tov

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First of all – he’s gorgeous!!

Since your dad was Jewish, you could follow the tradition and name your horse after one of his parents. We named one of our cats Boris after my mom’s father in that tradition.

For a barn name, how about “Chip”? Simple, sure, but it would honor what you said about how close you were to your dad – “a chip off the old block” I think is what you said in your original post.


I bought a horse named Frank. My dad’s name, too. I was good with it until my friend asked how I’d feel the first time he stepped on my foot and I yelled “Dammit Frank!!!” I thought about it, about all the possible times I’d be annoyed at the horse.

I changed his name.


Perhaps I just have a weird sense of humor but I think naming a fish named Fluffy is absolutely hilarious!

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He is!!! And he’s amazing so far!!

We ended up choosing Casanova. My Dad was quite the charmer. And my friend’s horse was a Nova who passed away 7 years ago, so we decided to honor him with his barn name :blush:


Omgosh, I love these :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Order is the Court is great! I would have probably done this one had we not chosen Casanova. I took a step away from COTH while getting ready for him and all of these ideas are amazing!

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