Returning from concussion #2

Hi! I got my first concussion almost 3 years ago from falling off and landing on my head (not my best move lol) and it took 6 months to
be cleared. Unfortunately then I started college about 2 months after I was cleared and have had very little riding time until I joined my IHSA team at my university on Sept 2018 and was able to ride more frequently. I was then in a car accident this past April, and am hoping to be cleared in December. Here’s the thing, my mom knows I love it, but A) she’s panicking that I will get another concussion, and B) she wants me to essentially ride in bubble wrap. Was looking to see if anyone was in a similar situation and an tips/advice for me, my mom, and additional safety equipment.

There are new helmets out nowadays. I have no experience with them but I have seen them talked about on this forum.

Other than that how is your riding? Are you ‘down in the saddle’? Are you experienced? Can you walk trot and canter a horse 'on the bit 'without pulling on the reins? Can you canter a 10 metre circle and do lateral work such as travers and half pass. If the answer is no I would say stop jumping until you can actually ride.

No it won’t mean that you will never fall off a horse again But since being able to do the above (touch wood) I have been pretty safe and do ride daily and up to 4 horses at a time some days.