Returning to riding after Total Hip Replacement - Anyone with similar experience?

I curious if anyone has had the experience of resuming riding after a total hip replacement and what exercises mounted and unmounted they found helpful. And did the prosthetic hip ever regain complete flexibility? I just returned to riding 12 weeks post-op. I haven’t ridden in 9 months due to the injury & post surgery.

I’m hoping it’s just a matter of time before my hips regain range of motion and it doesn’t hurt to swing my operated hip while getting on & settling into the saddle. I’m riding at walk for 15 minutes without stirrups to allow hips and knees to loosen.


Had mine done 3 yrs ago and actually have more flexibility, then I did before (arthritis). I took 2 months off from riding and slowly started back.
I had my right hip done and swinging my leg over while mounting, did hurt.
I had someone hold the horse and mounted on the opposite side, it helped a lot.
I’ve taken numerous falls since my hip replacement and haven’t had a problem. It will take about a year, to heal completely.

Thanks! I also had my right hip replaced and was disappointed the first time I mounted due to the amount of discomfort and the tightness once I settled into the saddle. So, I’m now practicing with mounting on the opposite side as well, with someone holding the horse for me. I had to take 9 months off from riding, the femoral head collapsed and it was impossible to ride without excruciating pain and one ambulance ride to the ER…Started riding 10 weeks post-surgery.

I am happy with the surgical results though; lack of pain, increased mobility. I’ll keep at it slowly. Your reply has been encouraging. Thank you!

Just give it time, you’ll be fine.:smiley:

We have woman at our barn who broke her hip in a riding accident (don’t remember the details). The bone didn’t heal properly, in fact I think it basically died and she needed the replacement. I don’t know how long she was out of riding, but she now has lost her limp and rides a lovely warmblood gelding she bought last year.

I have a barn friend who is 77, has had both hips replaced in the last 3 years. Her old horse just died and she now has a new one that she rides maybe 4 days/week. It will get better, patience and persistence, from what I hear.

Take time and patience ~ gets better … much better ~ IMHO

Just takes some time to regain ROM … after major :eek: surgery and having been on the ground for months ~

Gets better … much better ```` mine did ! :smiley:

  • and isn’t it 'fine" to be out of that before surgery daily pain ??!!
    You’ll be fine with time ~[/B]

Mine was replaced 6 years ago when an hour in the saddle was too painful… Riding is fun again… even after 5 hours

I had my right hip replaced in December 2011. I was riding by March, no pain whatsoever. One of my barnmates got a THR, also the right hip, in late March of this year. She started riding a couple weeks ago. Also no pain.

Physical therapy is your friend.

there are lots of us THR out there riding…in all disciplines

THR rt hip Dec 2009. Back to full lessons (dressage) at 12 weeks. I continued to do the PT exercises they had me start out with in the hospital for several months. I also added stretches and used a balance ball for core strengthening.

Now the left hip is going . And I’m starting to have to deal with that issue. But seriously, my riding improved tremendously after I had the hip replacement done. I’ve had no problems with the replaced hip other than the muscles get a little tight now and again…which is a sign that I needed to ramp up the stretching.

Physical therapy, time and patience. You’ll get there.

Good luck!

At the hunt club is a gent who has two knees, two hips, and a thumb joint replaced. He rides out weekly. I’ve had both knees and one hip done and ride daily and out with the hunt once a week. One of the whippers in has had both her hips replaced.


THR 4 years ago…that hip is now better than the other one.

But I was unable to walk for the year prior to the surgery - and it took a BUTTLOAD of PT and then working w/ a personal trainer to get the hip working again.

And I have to make sure that I keep up exercises for my glutes - they had kind of given up the ghost.

My handicapped access

All I have to do is swing my leg over

If you were in pretty bad shape before the THR, then not only do you have to recover from the surgery, but all of the support ligaments & tendons around the old hip joint need to get stretched back to a more normal length and flexibility. That takes as much time as healing, if not more. It WILL get better! My replaced hip leg now hangs better on a horse’s side than my remaining original-equipment one.

Interesting how so often it is the right hip. I had an otrhopedist tell me we should all use a mounting block, sit down on the horse as if planning to ride aside, then swing the right leg up in front of us over the horse’s neck. He said there were much less stress on the hip joint this way. Back when I rode, this was easier on the hip.

I had my right hip replaced last June. I was out of the saddle for 4 months. I took a little extra time off, just as a precaution. From that time, I haven’t experienced a moment of discomfort or pain in the saddle.

I’d say that my total recovery period was about 6-7 months. I don’t have my total range of motion back, but my saddle pain is completely gone. Prior to the replacement, my hip stated hurting after only 15 minutes in the saddle After an hour - I would in so much pain I couldn’t continue.

Best of luck to the OP, and anyone else considering hip replacement. As many have said, I wish I had done it years earlier.

Hello Skydreams,
I am preparing a program just for riders with hip replacements. In the spirit of understanding the challenges riders with hip replacements face I would love to talk with you. Please let me know if this works for you:)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best, Heather Beachum

I know lots of riders that ride with total hip replacements, and I ride with double total knee replacements, something that is less common
Jack Henning, won won senior reining a year or so ago at the Appaloosa Nationals, rides with both double hip and double knee replacements, including working cowhorse