Returning to riding and other activity after a fractured pelvis

I suffered a non-displaced pelvis fracture on 5/14. I had LOTS of other pain too that apparently was soft tissue/muscle/tendon/ligament type injuries. I can FINALLY walk short distances without crutches and am only taking over the counter pain meds when I wake up in the morning. (No pain meds the rest of the day.) Starting to feel a little more normal.

Total recovery time is 12 weeks and I am absolutely not allowed on a horse before then. I am wondering if anyone has had the same type of injury and can give me an idea of your recovery. Were there any kind of exercises you could start doing before the 12 weeks? Were you able to actually ride as soon as the 12 week recovery period was up? Or did it take longer to actually be healed enough to ride?

I am getting very antsy about not being able to do much of anything! I have started helping my husband feed horses once a day (I can dump grain into their feed buckets, fill water buckets and set up grain/supplements for the next feeding.) But, I don’t want to overdo it and set back my recovery so I am taking it slow.

My ortho does not listen and is about useless so there is no point in asking him, unfortunately.

Where was your fracture? See if you can’t get a referral to a good physical therapist for an evaluation—they would likely have some good suggestions for exercises, especially with the soft tissue damage. Riding will certainly stress the pelvis. I’d start out doing gentle walking for short periods of time and maybe some gentle stretching/yoga to start to loosen the soft tissue. If it worsens the pain, stop.

Ouch, I’m so sorry you are going through this. I had a groin tear a few years ago and I was really dumb and decided to just push through it, and I really regret that now. It made an injury that could have healed in three months take almost a year, and it still flares up a little sometimes. Sending you good vibes for a speedy recovery, and the willpower to wait <3

Soft tissue damage is the worst! My best friend suffered a broken pelvis injury much like yours and got back to riding after 12 weeks…slowly and carefully. But she’s doing quite well.

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Yes where is your fracture?

I had a non displaced fracture of my Superior and Inferior Ramus on my right side.
I had to use crutches for a couple weeks.
After that, I was told I could ride when it no longer hurt. Basically “If it hurts… do not do it. If it doesn’t hurt, you can keep doing it.”
I was back in the saddle between 3-4 weeks after initial injury.

It’s been about a year. Haven’t had any issues.

For all that asked - my fracture is on the left superior ischiopubic ramus.

Last Saturday was the first day I didn’t use a crutch at all. So, I have been walking for a week. Had a follow up with the ortho today and he cleared me to swim and use the stationary bike. Did 5 minutes on the bike (on the lowest setting) today. Am going to swim tomorrow (I am lucky and we have a nice lap pool at my house.)

I am feeling SO much better and have fed my horses by myself a few times. (I just don’t carry their hay out into their pastures. It’s so hot that I’d just as soon they eat their hay in their stalls under their fans anyway. They can come and go as they please.) I definitely don’t feel ready to ride yet but now have a little more hope that in another month I might be. I’m glad I am getting to do a few things to get exercise so that I won’t be completely out of shape once I am able to get back in the saddle.

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I had a nondisplaced pelvic fracture 12/24 (merry Christmas, not!) --actually one identifiable on an X-ray and two other hairline fractures it took an MRI to discover. No soft-tissue damage, however I was on a walker for two months
( because I vastly preferred it to crutches) and was told riding was OK at 3 months. I gave it more time, as (a) I really, really didn’t want complications and (b) I don’t own/lease a horse, so my first rides were lessons with my usual BNT trainer–not quite business as as usual, but a lot different from once around the ring at a walk. Also it was winter, which made riding a lot less appealing.

You don’t mention PT–I did a sport-specific program and I did it religiously, every single day. It made a huge difference–I was in pretty good shape to begin with but I got much more serious about working out. I’m a “mature” rider and as I said I really, really don’t want this to happen again.

I have some residual pain, but riding doesn’t make a difference one way or another. It kicks up from long car trips, and economy class airplane seats, and is aggravated by stress and/or fatigue.

I haven’t been able to ride much since April (4 months post-injury) for other reasons, but I’d say physically I’m pretty much back to where I was.

“My ortho does not listen”


Post #8 has been reported. Odd.

OP, would it help to work on a fitness ball (with your medical professionals’ blessings) to start mobilizing your pelvis? I have never had that injury, but I can imagine things might get pretty tight. A fitness ball would allow you to control range of motion, and stretch.

Happy update! I was cleared for all activity on my follow up appointment Aug 7. I have ridden 3 times since then. The first ride, my legs felt like jello and I had a little pain afterwards (nothing bad at all.) The other 2 times have felt just like normal, except for being out of shape. LOL

And shout out to my horse, who is a SAINT (not the one I came off of at the show.) He has had the entire 12 weeks off (well-deserved vacation, being that he is 15 and a saint) but I just hopped on and rode. No longeing required! I even popped over a couple little 2’ verticals on the 2nd ride to see if I could tolerate jumping (no issue but don’t think I will be jumping over 2’6" for a bit. And we won’t be doing more than a tiny jump here and there for a few weeks.) I am hoping we will get to show in September, but it depends on our fitness. I will make the best decision for us both.

I’m just so happy to be able to ride again and grateful to have my wonderful horse that never fails to put a smile on my face!