Returning to the barn after surgery

so I had a thread similar to this last year but circumstances are different so I wanted your guys input!
on September 7th I’ll be getting implants to replace missing teeth. From what I’ve heard the surgery is pretty painful for up to a week afterwards and I’ll have stitches in my gums. However we also will be moving to Florida September 19th and I’m down to the last few weeks I can spend with these horses I’ve come to know over 2 years. I’d LOVE to return on September 8th. But realistically you think the 10th-11th is to early?

Honestly I had very little down time. I was told not to drive myself home so didn’t. The first time I took the following morning off work the second time I didn’t. Both appointments were the last in the day. I was back to gentle normal very quickly ( as in I tried to avoid falling on my face - wait. I usually aim not to fall. Lol! )

it likely deends on drugs drugs you choose in part too. I went for pain management but full facilities. And Advil ( ibuprophen) at a slightly higher than label level was all used for 48 hoursish afterwards

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That’s definitely comforting. A few weeks back I wasn’t really afraid of the surgery at all. Then everyone decided to pipe in on how awfully painful it is…like gee thanks guys lol

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I’m glad it made you feel better. Best thoughts for easy surgery and recovery.

I’ve had a few—no big deal—some discomfort (so used pain meds) until the next morning.
Come on you are a horse woman—you’ve got this!


I’ve had 2 tooth implants, and they weren’t that bad. Pain meds the first day, half dose of the meds the second day and that was it. Wasn’t riding then, but it didn’t stop me from working at the time. Initially it’s painful, but the pain recedes quickly

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Haha your so right!! It can’t be any worse then all the times my toes have been crushed by hooves lol


Implant? I have quite a few over the years. I don’t think I missed more than a day of riding from implants.

Have to agree, not so bad as a surgery. The “terrible pain” stories are like those you hear as a pregnant lady about delivery times. Everyone seems to have a horrible story to share with you!! I think that less people experience real pain in daily life anymore, not so many broken bones, stitches, etc. So their experiences with dental surgery, baby delivery are a real surprise to them. As horse folks, we tend to get knocked around a bit, have learned to deal with pain better. I always tell newly pregnant ladies to get lots of exercise to be fit, practice their Lamaze breathing so they are IN CONTROL and wish them a speedy delivery. Seems to work, they tell me later delivery “was not bad at all”.

I think a couple days is reasonable, to recover, be careful with any real pain. But easily could be less! I traveled with ice packs in a cooler to use on my face as needed that second and third day. I had promised to work a horse show, they always are short of volunteers…

Think positive! You will love your new implants!!

Thank you for this! Ironic you talk about broken bones because I actually fell off a horse today and broke my tibia. Cue surgery in two days for screws…

So sorry about your tibia! Hope you have good meds and repair goes smoothly. The implant surgery will be nothing after that.

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I had lower jaw implants done and they were not bad…pain meds first day, weaned myself off and was good to go with the horse life. I am a bad patient, however… had my gallbladder out and was mucking stalls that night (but did not lift anything heavier than a fork with mini poop on it - ex had a drinking problem and he was not helpful (“They are YOUR horses.” That is one reason why he is an ex.). I was forever giving my former ortho surgeon fits as I was always out at the barn when he was driving home… after elbow surgeries, knee surgeries…but I healed fast being around my horses. New orthopedic surgeon does not live near me after hand surgery and knee surgery again. :wink: