Returning to the Forum!

Hello everyone!

It has been a LONG time since I posted on here! I used to post all the time in the weeks and months following my TBI but I have not posted in so, so long! I thought I would pop in and say hello to everyone and reassure you all that I have not died.

Since I last posted, a lot has happened! I’ve made huge progress in my rehab, I graduated from OSU (FINALLY), and I got married! So, in order, here they are:

Rehab: I think the best part of all my rehab is that I am finally able to manage my life on my own, for the most part. I still use an entire national forest’s worth of sticky notes every year to compensate for short-term memory issues, my language and problem-solving will never be the same, and I still have physical limitations like mild hemiparesis and fatigue issues, and then of course epilepsy, but I am learning how to live with all of those. This summer and fall has actually been the worst period for me so far as my seizures go, but I have the world’s most amazing husband to help me deal with those issues and we are working that all out as best we can. Over the past 18 months, I’ve run two marathons and two triathlons, adventured all over the Great Northwest doing things like rock climbing, kayaking, mountaineering, backpacking, and generally adventuring and I plan on doing a lot more! I haven’t really gotten back into serious riding again, but that has been limited by school and finances as much as my health. Of course, the irony of all this is that I write this as I sit/lay/die here with a herniated disc that happened this morning from issues from my fall, but hopefully that will heal soon.

Graduation: In March 2012, I graduated with my B.S. in Animal Science from OSU. That was just a month after I got engaged and three months before we got married, all while I was working as an independent contractor, so it was quite an accomplishment to finish the term! Now, I am working as an MCAT tutor (same great independent contractor job) until I get into graduate school. I decided to forego medical school for a number of long-term health and financial reasons, but I am super excited to get into a wildlife ecology program somewhere in the Northwest and spend the rest of my life teaching and researching and conserving!

Marriage: I met my dear, dear husband about four years ago through church, but we didn’t start dating until August 2011. We dated very casually and occasionally for about three months before I broke up with him due to a number of factors that were mostly his problem :slight_smile: Towards the end of January 2012, he called me up and asked me out again. Right away, I knew he had dealt with everything and we were ready to move forward with our relationship. Three weeks later, on February 19th, he asked me to marry him and on June 9th, we were married in the most wonderful wedding ever known to man. I have attached an adorable wedding album for your enjoyment :slight_smile:

So, that’s what’s going on in my life right now. My wonderful mare Vegas just finished a 6 month lease to a Pony Clubber that took her C1 on her, and now she is chillin at my parents’ until we find a place for her near us. My husband and I are living with his parents right now - don’t panic! It’s actually a great, great situation that has helped us a TON as I have been very sick with seizures most of the time that we have been married and my husband is preparing to take the Bar for the second time at the end of February. He missed it by TWO stinking questions in July! Grrr. I hate the Bar and the entire institution of law school. …Anyway, we are moving closer to Portland on March 1st so I can commute less (I work there three days a week) and DH can be in a better market for work.

So, that’s life! I hope you are all doing well too! I won’t even try to catch up on most of these threads, as there is just too much to read, but Happy New Year to you all!

Can’t see your pictures but want to wish you and your husband congratulations. I remember your story well.

Wow you have done well!! That’s a lot of stuff to get done on top of dealing with your health. Glad to hear from you and good luck with your new adventures.:smiley:

You have a great spirit! God bless you and your husband. Everything is better with someone who loves you dearly!

Congrats from a fellow OSU CAS grad! Best of luck on your new adventures

Thank you all! We are enjoying our newlywed time together. Life really is better with someone who is willing to give his entire self to you. I never knew how happy I could be until he came along. He has adapted so well to dealing with my issues and helping me become my best self. Much of my success is due to him.

Hopefully this link works for wedding pictures…stupid facebook:

I can only see the cover picture since Snapfish seems to require registration which I will not do. Best wishes to you!

Same for me. Still better than nothing!

I, too, remember your story well. Congratulations on all that has happened!

Wow you have done well!! That’s a lot of stuff to get done on top of dealing with your health. Glad to hear from you and good luck with your new adventures.:D[/QUOTE]

This. Welcome back and best wishes to you! :slight_smile:

Welcome back!

Lots of drama you have missed. Get reading!