Reward Offered after Reining Horses Sabotaged at Competition

I really have a hard time figuring out why people do what they do.

This is just _____ (insert expletive(s) of your choice here).

If anyone can help with the investigation, please do so.


How AWFUL… those poor horses :no: all 3 of them could have been killed by what the perpetrator did to them… Hoping Iceman and the other stallion a very speedy recovery. :no:


Just as bad as what someone did to a barrel horse in South Dakota a few years back.

I just hope these people get what is coming to them.

Was the person(s) ever found re: barrel horse in S. Dakota?

Hearing about animal abuse sickens me. Very often it done by people who say they ‘love’ animals.
If this kind of stuff was done so that their horse had a better chance to win, it is even worse. Shoot the bas***ds.

This is why the penalties for cruelty to animals should be increased. And people should be prosecuted and sent to jail for doing these crimes.

Yes but it was pretty much a slap on the wrist.

I don’t even want to know how much money the owner spent, doing surgeries and rehab on her horse for two years. He thankfully has recovered. The perpetrator should have least had to pay for back for all that, but the news story doesn’t say anything about it.