After going through 18 years of chronic pain and flare ups, being tested for RA and Lupus four times only to be told the tests were negative and seeing three different RA specialists…I have now been officially diagnosed with Seronegative RA with severe Synovitus, laced with ever present fibromyalgia and the possibility of Seronegative Lupus. The only reason I’ve been recently diagnosed is because my GP got fed up after watching me go through another flare up and he started rattling cages. He sent me to a new RA basically saying “something has to be done!” This new RA sent me for tons of blood work and full body X-rays and it all came back still negative so I was back at square one and feeling defeated. Had another really bad flare up and went to GP for another five days of prednisone(which does help), he sent the report to RA and I sent her pictures of the areas affected. RA sent me for an ultrasound of my hands and feet, which were the least daily pain areas but most painful during flare ups, and it came back with advanced/severe Synovitus which is what finally caused the diagnosis. I was so relieved to finally have answers and hopefully a treatment plan I actually cried.
Now I am in my second week of aggressive treatment. I am getting methotrexate injections 1x weekly and taking oral leflunomide daily. I’ve researched and read up about the side effects and am aware of all of the blood work and other tests I’ll have to go through during treatment but I would like to hear from fellow RA sufferers and what type of treatment they’ve received, or if they’ve received the same aggressive treatment I’m having and how they’ve handled it.
I’m too relieved to be angry for this not being found long before now. I do want to know why I was fluffed off by previous RA doctors when Seronegtive RA consists of 20-30% of RA cases and why I wasn’t sent for ultrasounds years ago. I’m relieved that something is finally being done but worried about being thrown into chemotherapy drugs for treatment.
Then to top all of that off I was tested for too much protein in my blood and am now being monitored for MGUS and its complications.…s/syc-20352362
Any ideas, experiences or advice gladly welcomed.