Richard Barry, Ashford Stud

Love the little insider tidbits on the stallions


I’m American Pharoah’s biggest fan girl so I love hearing insider info about him being a big pet.


I thought that was a great article. Many years ago, he took us to see Storm Bird (then retired) in his paddock. (We had a Storm Bird mare at the time.) Richard was an entertaining and very knowledgeable guide.

About American Pharoah:

“You raise your voice to him, you’d hurt his feelings.” :blush:


Thunder Gulch and his paramour Blue :smile: Interesting to hear about another tb stallion that had a preference. And his was pretty strong. I guess he got over it once he settled in Australia.



It looks like the blanket on Justify might be one of those that goes over the head. I’ve hardly seen one of those in years, and I would certainly not want to be using one on a horse I did not trust a lot.

I loved that line - it reminded me of my horse. But then I wondered if he was as emotional sensitive as my big baby gelding can be. I think if you yelled at him he’d wither away.

Not that you would ever have a need to. He’s perfect. :wink:

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Everyone at Ashford still wears those old school, closed front canvas stable blankets inside. I think they have a fuzzy wool lining. Jusitfy’s actually looks more modern than what I’ve always seen there.

I’m not sure if they use turnout blankets, maybe someone else can answer. I know they tend to be more conservative about stallion turnout than some of the other farms.

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That blue blanket looks more like that line that wrapped around the front and closed on the side. I do not remember what it was called and google is making me believe they are not sold anymore.

Or, is he wearing two blankets?

Great article!

It looks to me like he’s wearing two layers. The bottom one has an opening in the front, and the top one is something different.

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Interesting. I’ve been there a few times, but never during blanket weather. Lol.

I thought it was interesting that he said they lunge the horses a bit for fitness. That part was news to me.

I was able to find a couple old photos on my phone of American Pharoah and Giants Causeway from various trips there. They both also appear to have 2 layers on. But I swear I’ve seen the blue blankets hanging up when not in use and at least one of them has a fuzzy lining, but I could be misremembering.