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Richard Spooner Clinic?

I found a few of his clinics posted on YouTube and I became curious if he is offering any clinics this year. Anyone know where to find his clinic schedule or any other clinicians in 2022?

I love watching those clinics - heā€™s also got a handful on FB (https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=473032547003367). I think there are 2 or 3 8-hr videos. The sound is messed up in one of them, but I think they get it fixed after a little while so just skip ahead.

Iā€™ve tried to dig around and find out where heā€™s doing clinics, and have had no luck myself. Following this thread myself to see if heā€™s got anything near-ish to me :slight_smile:

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I wish! If you find any please let me know.

I found some of the clinic videos on YouTube as well (thank you PawsandRewind!!). What a kind, well spoken, constructive and encouraging clinician. He really wordsmiths his feedback to encourage people to improve but in a positive building way, not a critical ā€˜tear it downā€™ fashion. I wish more instructors used him as a model of how well it could be done!


Iā€™m in some of the Paws and Rewind video.

His was a great clinic with the best photo op of my life when he got on my horse and Cudo being Cudo decided to clear the second part of a bounce as a feat of Athleticism and Richard has absolutely Medal quality Eq in the pic.

Fun clinic. Hoping we can get him to come back this way again.

Full props to my husband for getting this pic.



That is an amazing picture! Your boy is ready for some wide water jumps! Props to your hubby for capturing that, well done!

I do hope heā€™d come out to the east coast at some point, I would love to even just audit. That clinic series is one of my favourites to watch when feeling a bit unmotivated.


You can see the video here

It was his 5th time through that bounce. Cudo just decided to spice it up a bit.

Ha ha



Whenever I hear his name I remember that time he dropped the reins through the tripleā€¦ https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/tbt-no-hands-no-problem-spooner


Oh I love this. Iā€™ve watched that clinic at least twice now and that moment cracked me up. You all seemed to have such a good time with him and Iā€™ve learned so much.

I canā€™t remember if it was your horse, or another one in this clinic that really had me sold on Richard. The horse had just been grabbing the bit and running through the rider all day and finally he hopped on and just lackadaisically made the horse meander around the course. No bullying or manhandling the horse into submission, just beautifully relaxed riding with a ā€œweā€™ll get there when we get thereā€ attitude. Iā€™ve never seen a trainer create such a night and day transition when getting on a horse, but my favorite part was that after he got off, the rider was so much more successful with her mount. Itā€™s one thing to be able to ride a difficult horse well, another to be able to help another rider ride the difficult horse. To do it in under 5 minutes was positively mesmerizing.


I love this video. Perfect response, let the horse save himself, and hopefully the rider too.

LOL Donā€™t think it was mine. He was on him for 35 mins and if weā€™re being honest, itā€™s not the best display of either man or horse as a ā€˜team.ā€™ That saidā€¦ Iā€™m thankful that he got on, because even though Cudo didnā€™t love it, that 35 mins set up the rest of my YEAR and we had a fabulous season.

Cudo doesnā€™t like men, like even an animal communicator I spoke to a few weeks after this was like ā€œOhā€¦you canā€™t put a man on him. At ALL. Donā€™t do that again.ā€ :laughing: But we both walked away a bit better educated and we melded better as a team thereafter.



After watching your video (you hadnā€™t posted it yet when I started typing lol) I donā€™t think it was your horse either. :laughing: Still, Iā€™m happy you had a good experience with him!

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This is exactly what I watched on YouTube - how wonderful you had the chance to ride with him - and also at that facility. It looked amazing!!


That was classic. Itā€™s the first thing I think of too, when I hear his name.

I remember there was a thread on the forums at that time and someone was critiquing his equitation in a negative manner. That video silenced them.


Emily, thanks for the video of Cudo and Spooner. Very cool.

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He did a clinic last year at wild turkey in Wilsonville OR and they posted the whole thing on their Facebook page. It was so great and I believe itā€™s still up.

@Xctrygirl that video is incredible, thanks for posting! Itā€™s like a great practice what you preach moment, it happens, he just sits there, stays balanced, then comes away like they rode it perfect. As a mere mortal, I would have come totally unglued on the other end :joy::joy:


What a great pic! Good horse. Itā€™s like he was just warming up before and now decides itā€™s time for the big jump. Richard took that well and probably had a little laugh to himself.