Riders With Learning Disabiltys?

Anyone ride with a learning disabilty besides me?

Define learning disability please.

hmmmm…Im not sure lol. sorry.


What I meant was what type of learning disability. There is an entire gambit of labels and levels of disability.

I am ADD but it is not a disability.

I teach a young lady that is autistic and I have to approach everything from a different perspective. Her brother is also autistic but I have to teach him entirely differently from the way I teach her.

I’m dyslexic and have an auditory processing disorder. However, I didn’t find out until I was in my 40’s and I just taught myself ways to cope. Grades were always excellent, etc. Photographic memory helps. And I write everything down, if I want to remember it or use acronyms.

In what context do you mean, OP? How do you think it would affect riding?

Yes - brain injury at 3 gave me problems similar to ADHD and dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, executive dysfunction, speech problems (cluttering), and some minor physical symptoms (basically I just ended up with a minor case of cerebral palsy). I didn’t find any of this out until last year when I had another TBI which exacerbated all the problems above and threw in some expressive aphasia and memory issues.

So yes, I do have an intellectual/learning disability, but riding has actually been one of the best things for it. I just have to approach things differently than most people.

[QUOTE=Vegas Sky;5991923]
Yes - brain injury at 3 gave me problems similar to ADHD and dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, executive dysfunction, speech problems (cluttering), and some minor physical symptoms (basically I just ended up with a minor case of cerebral palsy). I didn’t find any of this out until last year when I had another TBI which exacerbated all the problems above and threw in some expressive aphasia and memory issues.

So yes, I do have an intellectual/learning disability, but riding has actually been one of the best things for it. I just have to approach things differently than most people.[/QUOTE]

same here vegas! I have CP myself (mild) Speech Problems and ADD. I was born 3 months early and weighed 1 pound 11 oz.

Wow, Tiffany! you really are a SURVIVOR!!! And I love your horse by the way!

I have severe ADHD, as well as a few other things but I don’t consider them learning disabilities…

Wow, Tiffany! you really are a SURVIVOR!!! And I love your horse by the way![/QUOTE]

Thank You!! I had brain damage also due to lack of oxgyen.


Precious wee baby pics!

Thanks!! It’s the ONLY baby pics we have of me as a newborn.

I have ADD but don’t consider it a learning disability.

Tiffany, you are a trooper :slight_smile: And Beautiful is - well, beautiful! You are very lucky to have each other :slight_smile:

I am dyslexic, but it was caught early- first grade. I do not know my right or left (I have to sit and think about it for a minute) but my instructors use inside/outside so it is not a problem. Overall, it really does not affect me since it was caught and corrected so early.

Please do tell an instructor if you have a learning disability.
I once had two home schooled teens come to learn to ride.
Parents did not mention ADHD and I could not figure out
why these two were having so much trouble learning until
the mom mentioned their difficulty. An instructor can at
least try to adjust their teaching for their student if they
know what the problem is.

I often find young riders have a hard time with left right
so I have their parents get them two sets of cheap gloves
in different colors. Then I just tell rider to go blue or go
red rather than go left or go right.

My trainer knows that I have problems and she treats me just as norm as her other students.

same here vegas! I have CP myself (mild) Speech Problems and ADD. I was born 3 months early and weighed 1 pound 11 oz.[/QUOTE]

Wow!! Way to go for coming so far! Determination is something you were born with :slight_smile:

It took me a long time to piece all of my symptoms into CP - in the early 90s, “mild” CP wasn’t even considered “real” and TBI’s in young children were not understood. My problems were also overlooked in my small, rural school. My brother had a TBI in 1988 at age 6 and it wasn’t until my brain injury last year that we realized his problems all through school were related to that.

But like I said, there were DRAMATIC improvements in my cognitive processes, coordination, strength, fitness, and emotional health after I started riding. Over the past year in recovery, riding has been one of the most important components.

I have adhd and many symptoms of dyslexia but I don’t consider myself to be learning disabled fwiw.

You are an encouragement Tiffany :slight_smile: