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Ridiculous horse thing

So - I saw this video on FB, and coincidently saw the same type of thing on some YouTube video a couple days ago, which I cant find again.
Can anyone tell me what this is supposed to be - different than a piaffe and this appears to be some sort of competition - I have no idea and am curious.

Itā€™s a Paso Fino in one of their breed competitions.

Interesting to ride and not my cup of tea.


OH THANK YOU. It never crossed my mind - though the YouTube video was, I think, from Mexico or South Americaā€¦

You mean this?


Wow. I knew that Pasos were gaited, but never actually watched them move. Apparently they come with that installed, lol.


One extreme, how fast can a horse run.
The other extreme, how fast can a horse go and not get anywhere. :stuck_out_tongue:


Definitely going nowhere fast!

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Lots of Pasos here in Ocala. They sometimes frighten horses who are not used to the gait.


We have very few gaited horses here. When a new TWH moved into our barn all the horses ran out to stare when he walked past. The 4 beat gait just looks so odd when you arenā€™t used to it, and I think our 3 gaited horses heard it as a panicked scramble.


The first time I ever saw one was at an obstacle clinic. We were all sitting on our horses waiting for the clinician to arrive, and in he comes on this weird little stutter-stepping horse. I may or may not have busted out laughing, Iā€™d never heard of a paso fino before and it was so unexpected.


I was given the opportunity to ride one once. It feels amazingā€¦ Its really super cool.


They can actually move out quite well when they arenā€™t showing like that - we have some local people who frequently bring their paso finos to our paperchase and they usually donā€™t place because their time is too fast. The first time they came, we were all curious and they let several of us get on and ride around the field. Thatā€™s their natural gait and it is very cool! At shows itā€™s done on that board so you can hear the footfalls.


I saw it on FB, too. A REA we worked with had Paso Fino but Iā€™d never seen one in action before this. What is supposed to be the point to the gait, as silly as that probably sounds?

Pasos were (IIRC) bred for farm overseer-type ā€œworkā€. Smooth gait and endurance. There are a few types of them - COlumbian, Peruvian, Puerto Rican. The ā€œfinoā€ gait is the fast ā€œgo nowhereā€ one. There is also Paso Corto (larger step) and Paso Largo (lateral, 4 beat, ground covering. ). SOme canter. Some have a 4-beat ā€œtrotā€ gaitā€¦ I was once ensured that women could not ride Pasos because they have too much ā€œbrioā€ā€¦
Lots of them around here in Ocala. I have friends who have moved to the Pasos because of back problems. THeir shows are a hoot to watch!!


Some classes used to have the riders hold a full to the brim, thin stem wine glass.
They went around and around at different speeds.
Then the judge would look at who still had the most wine in the glass for the win.


I knew of Pasos as gaited horses but never understood the purpose of breeding them to get that weird ā€œgo nowhereā€ gait. What is the point? I get the desire for smooth, fast gaited horses as in the TWH and Icelandic horses, but this? It makes me cringe. It just looks soā€¦unnatural and uncomfortable.


There was a Disney movie a million years ago about a Paso and the only scene I remember was the actor riding the horse in native garb with a filled wine glass balanced on his hat as he rode around the arena. Anyone remember that?


I have heard the phrase, ā€˜can canter all day in the shade of an apple treeā€™. Which breed is that for?

Well, it might be that the fino gait is a matter of " my horse can go nowhere faster than your horse"ā€¦ not all of them excel at fino, just like so many characteristics we have bred into various organisms purely to ā€œdo itā€ā€¦ serving no real purpose.

Tennessee Walking Horse