Riding after a Transvaginal Ultrasound

How long do you wait to ride? Simply until comfortable?

I’m donating eggs, so I’ll be undergoing a “collection” later on as well. Has anyone done this? If so, what was your experience with recovery time and returning to riding?

Not sure about the egg collection but the ultrasound should have no recovery period unless it’s radically different than the one I had.

unless it is something to do with recovery from the egg harvest, the ultrasound is not a problem

I had one too and went straight to the barn after. No egg collection though, so that may be different.

I am an ultrasound tech and have performed numerous transvaginal ultrasounds and have never had anyone have problems afterwards. They are very safe and you should be fine to go about your usual activities after having one performed.

Thanks everyone! Doctor says I’ll need about three to four days after the egg collection to recouperate, but seems to think I’ll be good-to-go after that.

I’ve donated ovum several times and I rode through the whole thing and the day after retrieval with no issues.

I’ve donated ovum several times and I rode through the whole thing and the day after retrieval with no issues.[/QUOTE]

Really?! Doc was saying I’d need two days off work as well. One for the procedure (says I’ll be essentially on bed rest for 24 hours after) and one for limited activity (as in, no work.) Have you donated recently? Have the guidelines changes? Or, perhaps different doctors just have different opinions…

I would rest after the retrieval process, it is through a needle and you need to recover. I had IVF about 15 years ago but I think the procedure is the same today. Take care of yourself since you don’t want to create future problems for yourself. I remember having to have a girlfriend drive me home after retrieval and I think you are pretty dopey from the drugs. My husband was too busy that day and it was 2 hours from our home.