Riding after big toe fusion/calf lengthening?

I have had a lifetime of foot surgeries around bunions and complications thereof. I had, hopefully, my last one in January involving big toe fusion (it is now rigid from ankle to tip, plate and screws), metatarsal shortening of toe 2 and 3 (plates and screws), a hammer toe release and a neurectomy of toe 4 for Morton’s neuroma. Phew! In addition I had a gastrocnemius lengthening done (cut the fascia of the calf muscle to stop my toe walking/lengthen calf so heel is in normal position). Another Phew! Yeah, it was a lot, but the healing has been right on schedule and all looks great. I am walking in my boot, full weight, at week 10. Next week I see my surgeon to hopefully start in a real shoe. And that means back in the saddle! Woot!

But…while the toes feel pretty darn good (nerves are still a bit wonky, but tolerable) the calf is very sore. It’s like a charlie horse all the time, or a pulled muscle. I’m hoping this is normal and I’m sure I’ll find out. However, has anyone dealt with toe fusion and riding or the calf issue and riding? Wanted to hear your thoughts on how to ease into it or if there were steps I should take. Thanks!

You should let your dr know right away of that problem.

I had shoulder surgery, rotay cuff reattached and chip removed that was cutting into a main bicep tendon that “was almost shredded in half” and was repaired.
I kept having some pain on my elbow, but none at all all from the just operated shoulder.
I regained 100% function, to the surprise of the surgeon.

I mentioned that pain next day after surgery to the nurse checking things, but no comment was made.
By the time I saw the surgeon days later, he asked why I had not said something, that such needed addressing.
It probably was the tendon shortened by the surgery and needed immediate therapy to stretch it along as it heals.
I was doing therapy by myself at home, too long a drive to town, so he did show me what to do.
It healed ok, but still once in a while, if I overdo it, I get some sharp pains there.

Yours may be similar, something on the other end of where they worked on your foot but connected to it that needs to be attended to.

See what your surgeon tells you, may be a reason to that and you need to be doing something about it, yesterday, while it is healing.

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