Riding after bilateral mastctomy with latissimus dorsi reconstruction

I have breast cancer and have completed my chemo treatments (YEA!). I am ready for surgery and will be having a double mastectomy. Are there any riders who have had a double mastectomy and then breast reconstruction using the latissimus dorsi procedure? I want to find out if there are any issues with your back and muscle strength and riding. I don’t want to do reconstruction and then find out I can’t ride!


Hi, I can’t answer your question specifically, but wanted to congratulate you on being done with chemotherapy! That’s a big hurdle to overcome!

I had a mastectomy (unilateral) with reconstruction with an implant which is quite different from the procedure you are having. I can say after my mastectomy, It was probably 4 weeks before I felt like I could ride again and then still had some muscle soreness.

After my implant reconstruction, it was 3-4 weeks before I could ride, but again, I was still sore for a few weeks after. It’s been not quite 2 years and I don’t have pain anymore, but I still feel it when I lift things or if I am using my pectoral muscles when I ride - it’s an odd feeling. It probably will be different for you with the type of reconstruction you are having.

If you haven’t seen it already, www.breastcancer.org has a good support group forum and there are a few horse people on there who have talked about their experiences. :slight_smile:

That is a great site you provided us Hoofpick! Thank you.

I will not have reconstruction if I lose the whole breast…at least that is how I feel now. My Mother was in her 70’s did not and I saw what it looked like. Maybe someday I would feel differently…my husband does not care. I know everyone must choose what is best for them and it is fantastic that reconstruction is an option!


I did not have reconstruction either. I just could not be bothered at the time (12 years ago it was different from now). I always felt that “something that was supposed to be there got diseased, so why would I add something that is not supposed to be there?” I just could not be bothered.

I wear a prosthesis and while it can get warm in the summer, and costly when they break down (and they usually do just the month after the warranty is up - happened to me twice!), I still would not want to be any different!

I had one step reconstruction with an implant after a single mast. Just to give another viewpoint. Very glad I did. No issues at all. Rode 12 days later. However, I am small breasted, and I made it very clear to the plastic surgeon that at 58 years old, I wanted to smallest implant I could get away with. I also had a slight reduction and lift to the other breast.

At my age, I would probably have had no reconstruction at all if the one step were not an option. It was very simple and easy.

Question the physician…

How much of it and what of it will be used for the reconstruction.

The lats in riding function in collection/release, contribute to shoulder and torso posture/stability.

You can also dig around pubmed.org and see what the medical literature says.

Medical Mike
equestrian medical researcher