Riding after C5-6, 6-7 discectomy and fusion

Two weeks ago, I had the above procedure done–discs taken out and plastic spacers with synthetic bone graft material put where the discs go; titanium plate screwed into the bones. Expected to totally fuse the two levels of the spine over time.

Obviously I will be asking my surgeon about riding, but I want to find out if there are others who have had this kind of surgery and what medical advice were you given, did you return to riding and if so how long after surgery, what were you told about the resiliency of this to hold up to a fall?


That is much higher than my fusion but I understand that just above and just below a fusion become “weaker” points in your spine.

I no longer ride (for other reasons) but even before my fusion, I was not sure I wanted to continue riding and risk a fall (but then again, I am also pretty risk averse :slight_smile: ).

I have a c5-7 fusion, but mine was due to broken bones, so a little different. I acquired a SCI at the same time so my recovery was longer than what yours would be. It took about two years to get me back on a horse. But that being said I was allowed to start “unrestricted” exercise at 7 months, and my neck it’s self was probably good to go at about 4-5.

Regarding falling, my surgeon said that while the surrounding bones would be under more stress, the risk of fracture is not all that much higher. My SO is a physician and is also not overly concerned. That being said, I have fallen off since and landed on my neck and it was really painful, even 13 years after the injury.

Best of luck OP. I hope you can find a comfortable position to lay and have lots of movies to watch while you recover.

I had C4-6 ACDF done in April 2014 and competed at USDF Regionals in the fall. I was determined not to scratch, but it wasn’t our best ride since my fitness was not there and sitting the trot was exhausting. I actually had C4-5 done originally several years ago and recovered much quicker (ahhh youth) that time. That’s when I gave up jumping.
When they went in to fuse the next level that was becoming an issue they found the first one had failed and the titanium plate was cracked. I didn’t ask about riding this time around in case I got the answer I didn’t want. But I did get myself a pretty safe, pretty smooth moving draft cross horse. Not to say I haven’t come off since :wink:
I’m probably not much help to your question but just to say physically I am able to ride with no issues.

I had a Mobi C disc replacement at c5/6 in August of 2014. I chose this over ACDF (fusion) because I could ride again in 3 months vs the 12 months I was told after fusion and fusions do tend to result in future additional fusions further up and down the spine (on average every 11-12 yrs). Riding in itself probably is fine before 1 yr post op but it’s the risk of fall that makes it equivalent to a contact sport like football. Peyton Manning had ACDF surgery and didn’t compete for a yr. Docs often don’t understand the risks of riding so I am always very clear that I need the recommendation on when I could safely fall off my horse or get in a car accident post op. The rule I got for my artificial disc is likely the same as for a fusion… if you do something that would have broken your neck pre-op you’ll still break your neck but you are no more likely to break your neck post-op. The thing with a fusion that takes all the time is the bone growth… you need the bone to grow and complete the fusion and that can take a year or more. Your surgeon should want to confirm the fusion via imaging prior to releasing you to ride.

I belong to a Facebook support group called Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery and we have quite a few members that had ACDF rather than disc replacement because they didn’t even know about artificial discs or needed more than two levels done. I highly recommend joining it for support and for anybody pre-op who wants to understand their options prior to agreeing to ACDF surgery.

Best of luck OP.

PS I compete in the hunters.