riding after cataract surgery

If anyone has had cataract surgery, how long did you have to stay off your horse after? I am going to eye dr tomorrow, and have fingers crossed he will agree to do my cataracts, but summer is coming and I don’t want to have to be off for very long. thanks

I would like to know also, will be needing that surgery soon too.

You won’t be out long. It’s a very easy surgery and my guess is your doc may say stay off the horse for 2 weeks. Mine was very casual about the whole thing. Just not too much sunlight the first week so wear good dark glasses (you’ll see so much more you will be glad you have them) and no lifting of heavy objects like bags of feed, bales of hay and mucking about. The riding is a piece of cake compared to the lifting. Good luck. It really is a lot easier than it seems.

I rode after a week but my surgeon said do what i want just wear dark sun glasses and don’t fall off for at least 2 weeks!

Results from my appt yesterday. I went in saying I want the Symfony lens (new extended focal length lens, lets you see near, middle and far, most people don’t need reading glasses with it). Dr said NO not for you, your glaucoma is too bad and you have too much astigmatism. UGH. So I get toric monofocal lenses. Will def need reading glasses. I just hope I have enough middle vision to do things like pick out hooves without getting woozy. Then he said “and by the way since you have glaucoma I’m going to put in an istent so you won’t have to use drops any more”. Well one, I wished he had ASKED ME, because I don’t mind the drops, and also the drop I have is related to Latisse so I get the longer lashes benefit as well. But hes the doc, and if he thinks its best I guess he can put the stent in. He is supposedly the best glaucoma dr in town so I will listen to him

he also said no riding for 2 weeks, unfortunately my DH was there and heard him. the good thing is the said we can do the eyes 1 to 2 weeks apart so max I should be out of saddle 4 weeks, but hopefully only 3. I am going to push to do them 1 week apart. its nice out now, I want to ride!!

Have to call scheduler today, hopefully they can get me in for first eye right after my horse show in the middle of may.

Hoping all goes well for you.

Thanks for the information.

Hope all that need that surgery go thru it fine and get back in the saddle soon.