Riding after hip replacement

Due to an accident I ended up with a hip replacement 6 weeks ago! Anyone else out there riding after hip replacement? I know I have healing still to accomplish but just wondering what to expect in the future for my riding.

I think there are quite a few of us out here. Started riding 8 weeks post surgery with no problems. The hip has never given me one bit of worry. Do your physical therapy diligently.
I do think it matters if you had anterior or posterior. Mine was anterior and my understanding is that is much easier for recovery.

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At the hunt club there are a bunch of us “hippies” and more than a few knee -replacements too. I’ve had both. But there’s a former NFL football player who has me beat by a thumb joint. He has one, I don’t. Our current MFH has a new hip too. I started riding at 8 weeks too --no problems.

I had my right hip joint replaced (anterior) in 2016 and was riding 5 weeks after surgery. I just had the left hip replaced 4 weeks ago (same surgeon, same approach) and hope to be back in the saddle in another week. As others have said, PT is very important. I have PT 3 times a week and the place I use specializes in rehabbing people who are going back into a sport. I would add that doing a few routine exercised every day even after you are riding again is helpful.

The only difference I noticed when riding after my first new hip joint was the total lack of pain! :slight_smile:

Yep. I had the SuperPath approach (in 2014) and was back on my horse in 4 1/2 weeks. No muscles cut so no real precautions. Yes to PT…it was a bear but really helped me regain my strength. I have never looked back.


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Thank you to everyone for sharing! It is just the encouragement I needed! I also had an anterior approach done. I am making good progress except for the soreness from the fall! I am still pretty bruised but everyday is an improvement. Any other recommendations or precautions?

FWIW, my surgeon asked me what discipline I ride before my first surgery and I told him dressage and trail. He said that was good as he felt a longer leg position put less stress and pull on the hip joint, which helped to keep everything stable.

That sounds like good advice, makes sense. Thank you!