Riding after hysterectomy

what is your experience on time after the saddle? Uterus removal and/or radical?

IMO, follow your Dr’s recommendation on returning to exercise/riding.

I think many start exercises, including riding, when they felt well enough but long before all the internal sutures have healed and you can easily pay for that many years down the road.

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When I went back for my six week follow-up (vag hyst w/bilateral ovary removal), the doctor said that some of the cuff was still thin and friable so she cauterized it and said to wait two more weeks to ride. I did then started back up riding with no issues whatsoever. I was able to do lunging and groundwork in the meantime and horse was ready to go when I was.


Mine will be uterus removal through laparoscopy. Any experiences there?

You will still be dealing with internal sutures, etc as a result, regardless of how the pieces are removed :slight_smile:

IMO, based on reading many anecdotal stories, do what your Dr says with regard to anything including lifting and exercise.

If others have anecdotal stories, would be good to read but seems like I have seen more than once that ladies did too much too soon because they felt ok and needed further “repair” surgery many years down the road.

Perhaps peruse these other topics?? Search is a wonder tool :slight_smile:





It was several years ago when I had my hysterectomy. I was out of riding for three months, and only managed to walk for about 5 minutes in the beginning post surgery. The simple act of the mounting my pony was an energy drain. Mine was rather extensive though, since I also had extensive Endometriosis. I was in the operation room for 3+ hours. Yours may not require as an extensive recovery.

Let your body tell you, and don’t push it. The worst you want to happen is to have your internal structure to be ripped while you try to ride. I was very fit when I had the operation, but the operation still wiped me out.The thing is, I felt soooo much better afterward. I didn’t realize I was in so much pain until the pain was gone.


Have you reviewed all the links I posted??

Or just hoping to get someone to tell you to ignore your Dr’s advice and start riding sooner than advised?


I’ve not been scheduled for surgery. Still MRIs with contrast and a appt with laparoscopic surgeons. I like to have myself in order as what to expect and how to have my horses training in order to keep things going well. This way I can know they will be in great shape fo however long my recoup lasts. Your posts have been extremely helpful and are a huge help in “order”. Thank you very much. No rush.

This is what I had done and I was given the green light to resume all activities (including riding) at my 6 week check up.

Yes! I had a friend who decided to “listen to her body” instead of what the doctors told her. By vacuuming her house at 2 weeks, when she felt much better, she caused some internal issues which lead to scar tissue issues that had to be fixed.

Listen to your doctor, the person who is saw what they did inside and is examining you as you recover.

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Keep talking.

MRI done. Going in later this month. Everything goes. Uterus, Cervix and both overies by method of DaVinci robots. Any one with this experience?