Well I had low distal tibia ostiotomy surgery to realign my tibia, ankle, and foot in Feb of 2013. I went to what was suppose to be the best doctor. Was told I would be riding again in July. Complained to him about severe pain ever since I started walking on it again. He ignored it pretty much. Missed the whole season of riding and showing, lost most of my clients as I couldn’t ride, and FINALLY he did a CT in OCTOBER and it showed my grafts weren’t healing. Then he decided to put me in a custom orthotic, which by the way I had been asking for since JUNE, and it is helping. But still not even 50% better.
So word of warning to those that the doctor pushes this surgery on you to prevent fusing your ankle, think twice, ask lots of questions, and be pushy. I was in less pain with my tibia constantly stress fracturing due to being unaligned .
Oh and if you want to see some cool xrays of it I can post :lol: