Riding and (human) pregnancy

Hi there! I tried searching the forums for the advice on this, but no luck, though I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.

I just found out I’m 7 weeks pregnant and it was not planned. I’ve never really seen myself having kids, at least not right now… but when i found out I did get emotional and excited. The one thing that I’m really worried about though is having to stop riding for a while. My friend also just got pregnant and her doctor told her to stop riding at 8 weeks :(. I couldn’t imagine doing that right now. I finally JUST got my horse back into top shape and competing great.

I guess my question is… for how long did you all ride into your pregnancy? Did any of you compete as well? Did it create any complications?

thanks much in advance!!

I have 3 kids and I rode with all of them. I did take some precautions though. With my first Pregnancy I rode until about 5 months. I did stop jumping and I rode a trustworthy gelding I had been leasing for awhile. My other two pregnancies I stopped at around 3 - 4 months. Mostly because when you have kids you have more time constraints. I just kept my rides fun and easy and as safe as possible. I rode quiet safe horses and didn’t overdo it. I did take a break from about mid pregnancy to when the dr okayed me to ride again 6 weeks postpartum. And then It took some time to get back into shape. When I wasn’t able to ride I tried to just enjoy my time grooming, feeding and being around the horses. It goes quick!

Still riding 4 times a week at 36 weeks - full walk, trot, canter flat work! I stopped jumping two weeks ago because I was getting this weird “shock” sensation in my belly over the fences. I am riding my two big, comfortable, very safe horses. I haven’t noticed any changes in my balance, I feel pretty strong, except sometimes my calves cramp up and my back gets sore while I’m cantering. I’m stubborn, though, and ride through it. It’s strange, my body tolerates riding more than walking or even just sitting out in the sun! I was tempted to compete at 6 months, but while I felt physically capable of jumping 3 courses, I did NOT feel capable of the rest of the horse showing process (bathing, wrapping, loading, shipping, standing around all day, etc).

No complications from riding knocks on wood I just saw the nurse midwife in my OBGYN group today. Baby is head down and looking good! She said I had the hardest/strongest stomach she’s ever felt. I told her if was from all the puking (I have hyperemesis gravidarum) and the riding!

Good luck to you!

I stopped riding at 32ish weeks. Mostly because I’m exhausted. I work 10 hours days and I don’t have the energy to go deal with 3 horses right now. The horses are oblivious to it. SO occasionally rides two of them.

My DR didn’t object to it. What he did tell me is even your safest horse can blow up at any time, trip etc. of course we all know that.

Theres lots of people who continue riding into their late 3rd trimester