Riding and Lessons with Deafness/Hard of Hearing

Back in 2009 I opened a thread on this same subject, and under a different name:

We talked about FM systems and hearing aids, but the cost of those options was pretty much out of the $ range of most people, including myself. I didn’t, and still don’t, have thousands of dollars to put into hearing aids, or even want to try amplifying systems, which don’t work for most HOH people.

I did find a solution and I’d like to share it with everyone.

The last two years I have been using an Eponaire Communications System. This is, by no means whatsoever, an ad for the company. I’m sure, if you look around, you can find other companies that make the same systems. This one, however, is the one that I purchased and that works very, very well for me and there are some BNTs who use the same ones for their clinics.

Here is a link to the Eponaire web page:


I purchased the One Way Communication System. The ear bud fits nicely under my helmet and is reminiscent of the ear pieces used by the Secret Service. The cord clips to the top of my shirt and then I run it down my back to the receiver. There’s another clip there, which I clip to the bottom of my shirt, the volume control, then the receiver, which clips onto the belt or band of my breeches.

The transmitter is small and can fit in your trainer’s pocket. A small microphone is clipped to the lapel and that’s all that is needed.

Both units have a switch that gives you two channels and an off position. The sound is crystal clear and the range is fantastic. Yes, you can hear up to a ¼" away. Probably more, if you extended the receiver’s antennae.

Overall, I am very impressed with this system and it was a very solid $300 investment.

My only caveat was that I bought a one-way and not a two-way system. My trainer wishes that she could hear me as well. She also wishes that all her students had a system like this, so that she wouldn’t have to yell from one end of the arena to the other.

(now Mad Mare, formerly Roan on CotH)

Cool, Mad Mare!
I work with a number of older adults who have both a vision loss and hearing loss. Of course, if they have hearing aids, they don’t like them, and I don’t blame them. I’ll look at what you found. Thanks for the info!

hearing aids

I have used this device and it is fantastic! It allows you to concentrate 100% on your riding instead of worrying about what your trainer/clinician is yelling acroos the arena (to no avail). People just don’t get it…it’s not only the volume, it’s the lack of clarity as well for some of us. I’ve had an idiot “trainer” actually get out one of those bullhorns and scream at me through it…with people watching!:mad: It was totally humiliating and the reason I avoid lessons. A well known dressage trainer came to my barn and used the more expensive version of Simultalk (also makes a $300 model) with all students…it was two way and makes the communication instant, direct and personal. He doesn’t have to shout all day long.

Cool, Mad Mare!
I work with a number of older adults who have both a vision loss and hearing loss. Of course, if they have hearing aids, they don’t like them, and I don’t blame them. I’ll look at what you found. Thanks for the info![/QUOTE]

You’re welcome, ManyDogs :slight_smile:

I wore hearing aids in the 80s for five years. The audiologists could never get them adjusted properly and they were always picking up some odd, random noise and blasting my brains out. It wasn’t their fault, really. Although my main loss was in high tones, there are some really, really high tones that I can hear that most people cannot and they couldn’t account for them until I had a problem. It’s weird that way.

Hearing aids also generate huge amounts of feedback when you stick a helmet on top of them. Not pleasant!

I know exactly what you mean, surprise. Luckily, my trainer has taught hearing impaired people before, so she did do a lot of yelling before I got the walkie talkies. She had no choice :slight_smile:

The walkie talkies work well, but there’s a delay on VOX and the first few words get cut out. This isn’t so bad when you are in a dressage lesson, but if you are jumping, you need to hear trainer now.

I’ll have to check out the Simultalk ones. I’m not ready for a new system, but I’d like to keep my options open.

Robert Dover uses the Eponaires in his clinics. As does Michael Vermaas, apparently.

One thing that does give us a chuckle, and all trainers need to keep in mind, is that if they are having a private conversation with someone on the ground or on the phone during the lesson, rider can hear everything :slight_smile:


Still $300?? Has anyone come up with a cheaper solution? I mean walkie talkies are $20 or so, there has got to be an ear bud connector or something. Anyone come up with a good solution that works?

I was thinking of buying these:

And buying this:

And maybe this headset for the trainer:

Total cost- <$60?

I used walkie talkies for a year and, while they do work, they are cumbersome and there is a delay on VOX. They also eat batteries like crazy.

I’d rather shell out the $300 for a real system.



Another idea…Bluetooth intercom app using your Android cell phone? Saw this on another thread about using cell phones. Only thing is both users should have unlimited call plans.

Anyone out there been using this system? I’m trying to avoid having to get another electronic gadget.

Am also looking at Eponaire Adzen system ($300+) which would be spendy for my budget. I already have a less than 1-yr old android phone…so if I could use that, it would be great.

Another idea…Bluetooth intercom app using your Android cell phone? Saw this on another thread about using cell phones. Only thing is both users should have unlimited call plans.

Anyone out there been using this system? I’m trying to avoid having to get another electronic gadget.

Am also looking at Eponaire Adzen system ($300+) which would be spendy for my budget. I already have a less than 1-yr old android phone…so if I could use that, it would be great.[/QUOTE]

There is an app to connect 2 cellphones via wifi/bluetooth.

No call/data plan needed.