Riding arena base footing

I did search previous threads but didn’t quite find what I’m looking for.

I’m in France and just starting to plan an outdoor riding arena. (20x60, on a budget but i don’t want it to be useless)
The local contractor guy came out to have a look at the space. He doesn’t specialise in riding arenas by any means but has built a couple.
His idea:

  • Scrape off all the top layer (which, in winter, is currently mud)
  • Install drainage pipes and base layer of mid-sized rocks, rolled (he said larger rocks are better than gravel because gravel would mix with the sand)
  • 5cm/2" of masonry sand

Does this sound like a good plan? I’m trying to read online but everyone is trying to sell membranes and whatever else so the information always includes those layers. But can a good (enough) arena be created with these basic layers without membranes, fiber, etc. ?

I’m building my own arena coming up.

I’m digging down to clay, removing all the topsoil
Then adding 4-5” of drainage rock. Then compacting 4” of bluestone/ limestone crushed rock that compacts really hard. My goal is a 1” slope on the long edges. Then going to be rolling that with a compactor and watering.

Then adding my footing on top with a 1/2” slope. I’ll start with 3” of sand. But it’s important the sand isn’t round, has to be angular particles.

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If you use very fine masonry sand by all means spend the money to install an irrigation system to keep it well-wetted. Breathing fine silica dust is detrimental to your lungs as well as your horse’s lungs.


Buy the USDF book “Underfoot”.

If you do a search under the Farm section you’ll find a bunch of posts on the topic. You need a base under your sand and not stones right there. I could see you pulling them up and you don’t want that.

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I had their footing. It was terrible as was their customer service. I can’t not recommend them enough.

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Not recommending their footing. Just showing the education they have on building a base.

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Ah!!! Good point-I didn’t realize. Thank you for mentioning it so I can clarify… I still can’t not recommend their products enough.

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