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Riding Arena Fencing

Hi there,
Our 20m X 60m outdoor arena is under construction here in Virginia, and I’m looking for advice on arena fencing. We are 3 board wood fenced all over the farm but the arena is in a rather picturesque field, and I’d like to keep it as unobtrusive to the views as possible. A low, 1 foot dressage show ring won’t work for schooling greenies, kids trotting around etc–needs to be at least 3-4 feet for comfort.

Has anyone fenced an arena with no-climb style fencing (small enough so toes can’t get stuck)? Any other fencing ideas that aren’t 3 board and have a lighter visual look but are still safe? Anything interesting or unconventional that you’ve come across?

Thanks very much for any advice, pics, links etc.

How about some bushes? They will take some time to grow to the right height, and require maintenance to look neat, but I find that they look lovely once established.



The fencing used at the finish and vetbox is Duralock, offices in Lexington- check out their website!

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Thank you for starting the discussion as I’m mulling this over right now myself!

Have you considered a single top rail? This way you have some stopping power for any greenies but your view is not cut up too much.

I would hesitate to do any no climb without a top rail so…might be faster and sleeker that way anyway.

The single rail is my current plan…but of course I’ve changed my mind many times. :wink: I’ll be watching responses here.


Beware of bushes + greenies unless you enjoy to testing your reflexes when a bird/rabbit/cat suddenly appears on the arena!


And in our case hares and suddenly appears to explodes.

We have the single cattle rail.

When he did ours hubby put it as it normally goes.

When he did the riding school one he turned it so the flat side was up. My instructor loves it, you have a shelf to put drinks, camera, etc anywhere.



round our sheep yards, where the lambs are born and raised for a couple of months, we have non-climb inbetween the post and boards. Out and around our house area we use regular field fencing between posts and boards and from the house it looks just like a post and board fence, the wire fencing inbetween is invisible.

No climb with a single top rail is one option. Another would be coated wire, since you’re not turning horses out in it - that is a common way to preserve a view in home design.