Riding at Wheaton Regional Park (MD)

Has anyone taken their horse over to ride at Wheaton Regional Park in MD? I know they have a stable there and some trails of some sort, but I didn’t know if outside people went/were allowed. If so, do you have to park over at the stables, or could we park at any lot?

My work is having our picnic there next week, and being an animal health organization with a bunch of vets, we’re a very animal friendly bunch and bring our pets to our picnics (including horses if we can) :D. It would be great to bring my guy if possible since it seems to be a horse friendly park and may of my coworkers want to meet him :).

Any info is appreciated.


There are a couple of phone numbers at this Montgomery county website where you could call and ask if they allow trailer-ins and parking, etc. Just reading the site it looks more like the bridle paths are for the Wheaton Park Stable horses, but it’s isn’t really clear. I hope you get to take him!


Thanks! Unfortunately, I have not been able to find out so he won’t be coming this year. Although, I guess if no one can tell me it’s not allowed, no one can tell me to leave once we get there? :winkgrin: I just don’t want to risk it, especially since my friend couldn’t bring her horse and so he would be the only one. Hopefully we can find out by next year.

Oh well, it’s good to scope it out first anyway :slight_smile: have a nice picnic!

You can’t ride at Wheaton Regional Park or park a trailer there (but leashed dogs are welcome). Wheaton Regional Park Stables is just a few minutes away from the park at 1101 Glenallan Ave, Silver Spring. You can park a trailer there and there is trail access located across the street from Wheaton Park Stables.