Riding gloves and deformed fingers

I’m looking for riding glove recommendations! This is kind of different, but maybe I’m not the only one!
RA blessed me with a severe boutonnière deformity on my right middle finger, and the left one has been corrected but is a little wonky as well. The right one is a challenge for gloves as it is stuck at a right angle. I would love to find some thin and super stretchy gloves to ride in that I could wiggle into and out of fairly easily. Oh, and also warm…RA has recently gifted me Raynaud’s as well!
I’ve ridden in my daughter’s (don’t remember the brand) and they come close but require work to wiggle into, and while they are fairly thin the extra fabric where my finger is bent, becomes uncomfortable after a while. They aren’t horrible, but if I could find something better…


Noble Outfitters has Perfect Fit gloves that are spandex with a grippy palm. (They also have a mesh version.) I have a bit of a problem with my right hand and sometimes don’t get my fingers lined up right when putting it on. I find these gloves a little easier than some others because the fabric is so stretchy. I got mine cheap at a Dover tent sale. I see they are around $20 per pair. They aren’t as durable as a lot of other styles, but I do like the flexibility and the light weight in warm weather. Plus they come in a bunch of colors and patterns.

Thank you! I will check them out!

Have you considered the special riding mittens? They have a thumb, and little finger, but the remaining 3 fingers are all together in the mitten-like part.

I’m open to trying them! I haven’t come across any like that. Is there a brand that I should look for?

Thank you!