Hey guys
July 1st I sustained a massive bilateral pulmonary embolism. I was 26 years old (now 27) and it was thought to be provoked by a port placement. The port was removed and I was in ICU on a heprin drip. All in all, though I nearly went ka put, I feel pretty good! My lung functioning is not the same, I am winded much quicker and my overall fitness is in the tank. My heart rate has been running very low for me (mid 50’s) as per its usual 110’s, however it will easier get into the 150-170’s just by standing up or any amount of exercise.
Anyways I have a list of health issues but that’s now why I’m here. I LOVE being on the ground with my boy. I do miss riding though. I’m supposed to be on Eliquis for another 3-4 months. Has anyone ridden on this medication? Is it worth it or should I just sit it out and get fitter from the ground with my horse by hamdqking walking around and stuff?