Riding/ training while on ADHD meds

I am still trying to figure out my meds, and dosage. But I think sometimes I ride better without taking anything. Anyone else have a preference? I am now on a long acting but I am thinking of switching back to the shorter acting so I can either ride first then take the meds or wait for them to wear off and then ride.

Just wondering what others have experienced and what has worked for them. thanks

Hi, I am undiagnosed ADHD - I figured out i was after my son was diagnosed as ADHD. I have the same symptoms. :frowning:

anyway, I have never been able to get meds for this so I rode and took lessons unmedicated.

I would hyper concentrate, but I was ok, with it. My instructor, not so much so. LOL I was intense.

do whatever is best for you at the time.

good luck!

The negatives of STIMULANT meds that I can think of based on my experience w/ Adderall:

  1. Generic extended release can be very uneven & unpredictable in delivery
  2. MAY exacerbate underlying anxiety - IME this can be a lot worse w/ the generic extended release due to the unpredictable delivery.

Make sure you eat something with fat & protein with your meds – peanut butter is an easy solution. And, remember that caffeine isn’t a good mix w/ stimulants.

I ride on Adderal in the morning on an empty stomach usually, maybe an hour after I take it and have no problems. In fact, I feel a little blah if I forget to take it. I take the regular verison, not extended release because it keeps me awake. I also am on 2 meds for bipolar disorder that I take at night. There’s been a huge turnaround in my life since I finally got on the right meds, and I’ve never had any problems with meds and riding.

There was a period of adjustment when I first started taking the Adderal, the primay “side effect” being that I lost more of the extra 60 pounds I gained from a number of years ago when I was Depakote for the bipolar (which didn’t even help me).

Be patient. From my experience, once you get on the right meds your brain will fire appropriately and the side effects should minimize themselves.

It depends on what your priorities and challenges are. If you feel that the biggest obstacle you face is being unable to follow sequential directions or that you’re tuning in and out (or what ever your symptoms may be), then maybe you want to be medicated to ride. If you feel that it is making you anxious or unable to enjoy your ride, maybe tweak the meds or ride before taking them. Personally, I found one medication made me too anxious to jump, so I switched to something that gave me a therapeutic effect at a more reasonable dose. But I take one long-acting pill every. single. day. unless I am seriously sick (throwy-uppy or so congested I need the serious behind-the-counter-decongestants, with which one ought not mix one’s coffee or prescription stimulants). What helps me manage my symptoms best is a rock solid routine. Hope this helps!

It depends on what your priorities and challenges are. If you feel that the biggest obstacle you face is being unable to follow sequential directions or that you’re tuning in and out (or what ever your symptoms may be), then maybe you want to be medicated to ride. If you feel that it is making you anxious or unable to enjoy your ride, maybe tweak the meds or ride before taking them. [/QUOTE]

I’ve ridden with and without 20mg Adderall in my system. Really don’t notice a difference, except I’m a BIT more persistent and focused if I have it. But that’s outweighed by its tendency to make me jumpy, so if I’m at a show where I’m going to be wound up anyway, not a good idea.

Overall, exercise of any kind with Adderall on board doesn’t feel much different to me. But caffeine + Adderall can be a nasty combination.