Riding with foot drop

After sitting on my foot on the couch a few nights ago, I stood up to discover almost-total foot drop.

My background: I have an old back injury from a disagreement about a fence in 2008. (Fx L1, dislocated ribs/one side of collarbone, soft tissue damage/ongoing muscle spasms.) My chiropractor commented several times circa 2011 that my L5 looked “out of whack” but I didn’t receive a diagnosis.

After discovering my floppy foot, I spoke to a family member who is an orthopedic surgeon to see if I should see a physician. I followed his advice and went that day. They x-rayed my back, nothing new there. They gave me a round of oral steroids and an appointment with a spinal specialist in a week. Apparently, if this continues then I may get an EMG and/or MRI. It bothers me to not have a conclusive answer now, but that’s managed care, yes?

I am having no new pain, but marked numbness and some tingling.

Has anyone ridden with foot drop? Do you have any advice? I cannot move my toe(s) up at all… so I am concerned about riding with stirrups and getting my “dead fish” foot stuck in the stirrup. I rode my sweetheart mare today bareback. She seemed a little confused by my right leg’s cues (gave me a little more ear flick) but obliged me.

I imagine I will be doing a lot of bareback… which is great, but I also want to keep things as normal as possible. And it feels VERY weird to not be able to put my heel down. :confused:


I have not had this happen to me, although I know that I am a candidate with my spine problems.

I don’t think that you will have a problem as long as you stay in the saddle but I would be afraid of what might happen if you came off. It might be worth investing in adult size peacock stirrup irons like these-


I have not had this happen to me, although I know that I am a candidate with my spine problems.

I don’t think that you will have a problem as long as you stay in the saddle but I would be afraid of what might happen if you came off. It might be worth investing in adult size peacock stirrup irons,

If this turns out to be a long term problem, I remember seeing riders use rubber bands - the big ones you might get around the mail - wrapped a certain way to keep their feet in the right place in the stirrup. I could try to explain it if you really want! The rubber band is strong enough to hold the foot in place but weak enough to break in a fall. It might be just enough to keep your foot from sliding through.

I have mild drop foot. It gets worse at times. I learned to ride using my ankles as the sink point when it is worse. Hard to explain but it can be done. I did always struggle with two point though. After 10-15 minutes my leFt foot is done and just starts collapsing at the ankle. I would ride off my inner thighs and calves more when it happened.

I second peacock stirrups, as did my PT.

I got it when I compound fractured my tibia. Mine is 95% better/fixed.

I rode bareback ALOT. Horse adjusted just fine, like in one or two rides.

I ride gaited now, and use EZ ride stirrups which has a wide foot base. You can get cages to go on them too. I wear a really, really long stirrup leather. Horse is fine with it. I found a horse who is extremely light off the leg, very sensitive (iow very responsive which means less effort on my part), and this works perfect for me.

My problem included no feeling in the feet - I couldn’t even “kick” really with my legs.

I had spinal stenosis laminectomy surgery and now I can move my legs. Praise God as this really was a problem riding. I rode in Ariat riding shoes and those seemed to help. I couldn’t feel my feet though and had to have assistance mounting and dismounting.

foot drop

I have MS with a left foot drop AND bad left leg, which doesn’t move either in or front to back AND a bad left hand which has difficulty gripping. I use my oldest, shortest AFO in my my paddock boot to keep my foot in the stirrup, using those very grippy eventing stirrup covers. I also send my foot more home in the stirrup, NOT on the balls of my foot. I have breakaway stirrup irons. I rarely lose my foot out of the stirrup, but if I do I almost always need help to get it back in.