riding with hayfever

I have serious hayfever… to the point where I am miserable. going through a box of tissues in 30 minutes, sneezing, blowing my nose, watering eyes, etc. I’m dying to ride but literally scared to step outside.

Anyone else in the same boat? Any advice?

Yep. When it’s really bad and I need to be at the barn for more than just a quick ride, I take Zyrtec-D or Claritin-D. The D is critical. It’s a little, ah, intense for me to take every day, but it’s reliably effective when I need it.

I keep up with Flonase or similar every day during prime season. The other symptoms, I suffer through and whine until I can get home and shower. Moving closer to the coast drastically improved my springtime quality of life, but I still have some difficult days. There are prescription eye drops and inhalers and the works should you want to go that route with your doctor.

My allergy doc has me on this: morning Zyrtec and spray nasocort, then singular at bedtime. It’s worked great this allergy season and I’ve had no side effects

Loratadine (Claritin) in the morning for the basic hay fever symptoms. If symptoms get worse I will add Cetirizine HCl (Zyrtec) at bedtime.

If the symptoms are bad enough to keep me indoors I break out the Fexofenadine (Allegra). It’s the most effective for me but I know a lot of people who have experienced developing a tolerance for it so I save it for the worst symptoms. It’s also the most expensive so I try to use it sparingly.

90% of the time the Loratadine keeps the allergies in check just fine. It’s only rarely that I need to use one of the other meds. I get it at BJ’s. I’d guess that Costco carries it as well. Very inexpensive.