riding with hemorrhoids

:frowning: Disgusting I know. I have plans to ride tonight, but Have this unwelcome visitor. Has anyone ridden with them before? Did it make it hurt worse Or make you more uncomfortable?

I will volunteer information on this! I got one from doing a lot of squats years ago. Haven’t had issues in a long wihile, BUT when it does flair up, riding doesn’t do much for it. You will be very aware of it. Standing on my feet will aggravate it too. Yes, this is gross, but Prep H doesn’t help at all. An ice pack is your friend, trust me. Make sure you get plenty of fiber, as the the bathroom part can hurt like H**L! Good luck.

I get internal and external, and riding doesn’t really seem to bother them/me, but I imagine it depends on the size and placement.

I get my Prep H from Canada…makes all the difference in the world. I have had them all my life, apparently my dad did as well.

Kind of gross but Squaty Potty has reduced y problem by 90%. Truly amazing and you can just buy a plastic step which works just fine. I was about to have major surgery but now I cancelled. Its been 4 weeks now so I am confident the fixed my stage 3 H.

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Advil helps a lot, so does squatty potty.