Riding with injured ribs

I say injured because I don’t know if they are just bruised or possibly fractured. I’m sure there isn’t a break.

Saturday morning I slipped and fell on a tile floor. I landed pretty hard but feel fortunate my head ended up cushioned by the dogs bed. I have bruises and my rib area is painful to the touch and with deep breathing.

Using Dr. Internet, I decided to manage the pain with OTC meds and go to the doctor if it gets worse. I understand there’s nothing to be done other than pain killers so think I’m being sensible.

I have weekly lessons with my trainer and my horse. Is it crazy to think I can ride next Friday?

From my own experience with ribs, I’d say it depends on your pain tolerance. Maybe a lesson at the walk?

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I fractured mine last Sept and was off my horse for 9 weeks. But mine were in a bad spot, slightly displaced, and for weeks I couldn’t do much.

If you’re not feeling any clicking when you breathe or move, then it’s probably about pain tolerance. If you are, I’d get a quick x-ray before getting on. The ER doc I saw was pretty clear about there being big risks if I took another impact before they were healed.

I injured mine in January- The first week was tolerable and I managed with OTC pain meds. I probably pushed it, I assumed I had maybe bruised them, most likely hurt the muscles. The second week was like hell- turns out there was a slight fracture which I exacerbated with a rather exuberant ride on my young mare . Stupid me, I couldn’t even lift my arm from my side now. Took about 3 weeks off riding, then came back slowly. Probably felt much better by mid February. Again- I was stupid and pushed myself which made the healing process longer.

Go by how you feel and don’t push it! Ribs SUCK. Hope you feel better soon.

If you weren’t planning on riding I’d agree with skipping the Dr visit.
But better safe than sorry if you do have a fracture.

I managed to bruise some muscles badly on the sharkfin withers of my WB < slipped when getting on bareback.
Took me a week before I could even consider getting on & when I did any trot (sitting or posting) was out of the question. He had a lovely soft canter depart, so I could do that, but still took it pretty easy for the next couple weeks.

I broke 3 ribs in my back and ignored the pain for two weeks. I finally went for x rays and was told I was lucky I did not puncture a lung. Not just the initial fall, but by trying to do stuff with them broken. All they could do was give me pain meds and tell me to not do stuff, give it time to heal. They do not tape you up any more, it can restrict the lungs.

A few months later I was riding and got tossed again. I was fine, got back on. But those ribs hurt. I was really afraid I screwed up the healing process in those two weeks. Now a couple years later they are fine, so maybe not.

But my point is be careful. It is not worth a life threatening issue or permanent damage.

I hurt my ribs (grocery cart :lol:) and found I was able to ride if I used KT tape. My ribs were sore on my left side so I had to tighten the girth on the right side.

I hurt my ribs two years ago when the horse I was riding stepped on my rib cage (I don’t recommend it). The adrenaline let me rejump the course and finish the lesson, but the next day I needed help even leaving the bed. My dad was an ER nurse and he said that there isn’t much treatment extent painkillers, so doctor would just be a waste of money (but not if your having breathing difficulties!) . Maybe it’s just because I’m still young but I was able to survive a week long backpacking trip two days later (parents didn’t want to waste money

It’s really up to you. A horse fell on me a week ago and I am suffering excruciatingly painful muscle spasms around my broken ribs and can barely sit up without help, so if you think you can ride, so much the better!

I felt okay for the first three days and then the pain got much worse. It waned and now it’s back. You might need to take it day by day.