Riding with Plate/Screws in your hand...

After giving a fabulous demonstration in “How Not to Ride a Grid” I ended up with plates/screws in my hand to hold two dislocated bones in my hand in place :cool:

Long term plan is that they will be removed as there’s a risk of them breaking. :eek: Has anyone ridden with plates before? The dislocated bones are my index/middle finger where they connect to my wrist…

Sorry, the only comment I have is that I was told that the plates in my wrist would make it stronger than my original wrist. But mine are there to stay.

friend of mine broke her wrist; they plated it; then she rode her bike in it. went back for xrays; they said “what did you DO?! the plate is bent!!” had to be replated.

which doesn’t answer your question really… :wink: but all i can say is ‘be careful.’

Yes, I had a plate and six screws in my hand. No issues riding at all, although it was terrible in the cold and incredibly painful if I accidentally hit the back of my hand on anything (as a result of pinching the skin and transmitting vibration, not anything potentially dangerous about the plate itself.) You’ll definitely want the hardware out when you can, although that comes with it’s own set of warnings, as the bone will be weak for awhile until the holes fill in.

Interesting. Thanks! Did you wear any kind of brace while you healed??

No, I don’t think so. It was nearly 15 years ago, though, so the details are a bit fuzzy. :wink:

Update! So went in for x-rays last week… and surgeon decided to take out the plates… THIS WEEK! They came out Tuesday :smiley: I’m supposed to use the hand as normally as possible…

Here’s what the inside of my hand looked like prior to hardware removal… ow…

That’s great news and really cool X-rays :cool:

my experience

I have two plates plus three screws in the long bones of my left hand. At the same time I broke all the bones in my wrist and both bones in the arm. Was in a plaster cast for 3 months then a fiberglass cast for 2. Rehab was a year. My goal was to be able to hold a rein again. Because there was nerve damage, I have a hard time feeling anything with my left hand. I drop things, people just think I’m clumsey. Half halts have to be a conscious effort and often the timing is delayed. But my surgeon said most people with the same injuries, end up with a useless, stiff claw that they can’t use. So I’m gratefull that I can still go down the center line.