Riding with Posterior tibial tendonitis

I am lame. I developed tendonitis over the summer in my left ankle/foot and thought it was gone. A few weeks ago I was on my feet fixing fencing for about three hours in shoes that didn’t have inserts. The tendonitis is back with a vengeance. It being the end of hunt season I ignored it even though riding made it worse.

Now I’m going for physical therapy and my PT told me that because of how the foot pronates in the stirrup it will make it worse.

I’m thinking of buying stirrups that hang forward (like these Acavallo stirrups http://www.vtosaddlery.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=VTO&Product_Code=AOSI&Category_Code=) to reduce the torque.

Anyone else with this problem that has suggestions? I’ve also thought about “no stirrup December”!

I don’t know how the stirrups will work for you but they look quite interesting and at least aren’t an arm or a leg $$ wise) like a lot of them. I have been battling peroneal tendonitis in both tendons in my left foot for over a year. I tore both in the other foot and had surgery on those. Thanks Dad:( (I inherited his foot conformation that lends to these issues). I finally bit the bullet and spent a month in a cam boot over the summer. The tendonitis still isn’t gone but is much better. What I have found to help me with the uneven ground around the barn and support for the foot is athletic tape. I do a minimalist tape job that really supports the specific area then do a figure eight lightweight wrap of VetWrap. This works way better than any kind of brace or foot wrap I have found. I can even eek out 2 applications of the VetWrap which saves a little $$. I also wear a foot/ankle compression sleeve when I don’t do the above wrap job. The compression helps with circulation and it does provide lightweight support.

Good luck. Tendonitis can take soooo long to go away.


I have used a Rx called Voltaren that has helped alleviate some ankle and foot tendonitis. From what I understand, it’s an NSAID gel. You apply it directly to where the pain is. That way it works only on that area and doesn’t have to go through your entire system (digestive and blood). I was surprised at how well it worked considering I never get pain relief form things like Advil.