ridng post hip replacement?

I am 9 weeks post hip replacement…doing quite well except for a hamstring stain from dancing!!!. My doctor cannot assure me that I will be able to ride again…I have been grooming and visiting my horse in the while recuperating. Please anyone that has had a total hip replacement and is riding again please get back to me and give me some encouraging words.
Hopeful Alice

I know several people riding with total hips!

Had left one done in 2015, right one January 15. 2016. I am already riding again, no Pain. I had Anterior Approach.

I was riding 8 weeks post THR. Several of us are, just look for older threads. It may seem quite strange to finally be able to ride pain-free. You have a lot to look forward to!

First hip Dec. 2011, second March 2015. Both anterior approach.

You will love riding without pain !!

Enjoy ~ you have your ‘life’ back !!

I broke my (previously fine) hip in a fall. I was riding again in 3 months (per the doctor’s time frame). No problems at all, good as new. That was 8 years ago, BTW. Good luck, you’ll be fine!

I was riding at 3 months - if I remember correctly. ZERO pain in the saddle. Prior to my THR, I could barely ride 15 minutes.

Five of us hunt with artificial hips --one man has two. A whipper in came back on the field two weeks after hip surgery. I waited six to start riding. Never had a problem.


I would say your doctor is not familiar with riding at all? Is there some reason he can’t give you an answer…other than he doesn’t know what riding entails?

I had my right hip replaced in 2015 using the Superpath technique. I was driving at 10 days, back to work in 3 weeks and I was on my horse in 4 1/2 weeks. This technique does not cut any muscles or torque the joint to actually accomplish the replacement so the chance of dislocation is very, very small. Granted the first couple rides were only a pony rides (walking) but I was able to mount and dismount unassisted (save for the mounting block which I always use anyway). I started out slow and was able to really ride by June (replacement was late February).

I went to this particular surgeon as his wife is a very accomplished dressage rider and I knew he would “get it” :yes:.
I didn’t know he was doing the Superpath procedure until I went for my appt but was very happy that procedure was offered as my downtime was much less.

If you are out dancing, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be released to ride soon.

Good luck.

Both hips replaced, now riding better than ever!

I had my right hip replaced 2009, the left, Sept 2015. Posterior approach with both. I was back riding at 10 weeks with both. The first couple of weeks were mostly stretching, lunge line…just getting back into the routine. And I made sure someone was with me.

The only issue I have had is that I have to use a taller mounting block than before. Especially after having my left hip replaced. Otherwise I’m riding better than ever, and more importantly…no hip pain.

When I had my first hip replaced I harbored terrible doubts of not being able to ride again…despite my Ortho’s reassurances. At seven weeks (far too early, but I just couldn’t stand not knowing) I got on my horse (trainer with me). I walked several figures, did a little posting trot…carefully dismounted and burst into tears with relief. After that, the wait was more tolerable.

I also had a THR (anterior approach) on Jan. 19, 2016. I go back Wednesday to see my doctor for final visit and checkup. I have not ridden yet but am itching to get on! Before having the surgery it was so painful to get on and off that I just stopped. I am looking forward to getting on for the first time and seeing how it feels!