Right side weakness/numbness - Update #14 - went to doc

A novella of my history with this:

Feb 10, 2009, I pass out in the shower. Come to about an hour later, no voice and unable to use my right side, I can move it if I focus really hard, but for the most part, useless. Pounding gets me no attention, my attempts to call for help as my voice returns go unanswered, so I somehow manage to get the water shut off and crawl out of the tub. Improve moderately as I use my left arm to towel off and struggle into my clothes. Walking requires bracing against walls or my right leg just gives out.

Does my daughter’s father and his family notice? No. Thinking I must have just overheated as I’m prone to heat exhaustion and it was kind of a very warm shower, and pinched a nerve when I fell, and that it must not be that bad since none of the 4 adults around me notice anything off, in a fine display of my stupid stubbornness I shrug into my coat and force my feet in my shoes and drive (my 5-speed manual) the two miles to the vet office I’m working as a receptionist.

THEY notice. Immediately. But I’m stupid, and stubborn, and while I’m frustrated and scared I make a joke and get through my shift, manage to drive home afterwards, too. Have the next 4 days off, promise them that if I’m not better I’ll get seen.

Feb 14th, I’m tired of falling down the stairs, dropping things and really starting to freak out so I finally go. Does my beloved go with me when after I break down and call the GP and am told I need to go the ER NOW? no. I drive myself.

Spend Valentine’s Day alone in the hospital. Go for a cat scan, then an MRI, and then woopy from the medication they gave me before the MRI, I sit and wait, until the doctor comes in what feels like days later and standing in the doorway announces “You’ve had a stroke. We’re admitting you.”

Of course I start bawling, I was 25, convinced still of my invincibility and that while yes there is a history of stroke in my family (Oma has had several mini strokes) they were decades away if in my future at all. They had to be wrong. Call my boyfriend. He calls my parents, who call my grand parents, who come to wait with me while the paperwork is done up and I wait to be moved to my room. Feb 15th just after midnight starts one of the longest weeks of my life.

I’m not allowed out of bed for ANYTHING without the nurse, have to wear my speshul ‘falling star’ socks with the little rubber grippies on top and bottom. More brain scans, meet a cardiologist, have my entire circulatory system checked, including a very fun echo I had to be put under for. Yay T-E-E. Remember being strapped down on that table with the gag in my mouth so the equipment didn’t chip my teeth saying “This is kinky medicine” before I was knocked out.

At the end of all this, I know I have a glorious circulatory system except for the small vessels in my brain, and the most purdiful functioning heart my cardiologist has ever seen. Even if my resting heart rate is just this side of dead and was giving the nurses fits for the first two days and I have inverted T’s and downward spikes (whatever those mean) on my traces, my rhythm is good an everything looks perfect.

Start my physical therapy before discharged, what I lost wasn’t the use, just the feeling on my right side, so I now have to re learn how to ‘feel’. They’re optomistic over time some of it will come back, but in the mean time I can’t be falling over because my brain doesn’t recognize that my right foot is already bearing full weight.

(This whole time, my ex visits me ONCE, for 15 mins. My co workers saw me more! Did not help my moral through the process)

When I’m discharged, it is with the diagnosis that I have in fact had a stroke at 25, likely caused by complicated migraines compressing the already small blood vessels in my brain.

Because I’m a stubborn little git, and PT in a clinic just is not something I’ll follow through with, the therapist goes over exercises for me to do, and when I ask about using horses, he asks if it’s something I can commit to doing every day. DUH! So I go to spend a couple weeks with my parents, and starting the day after my discharge, every day Dad takes me out to the barn where my Aunt boards her horses. The acts of grooming and hand walking are to be my therapy. But I’m cautioned against hopes of riding for a long time, and that I may never be competitive again.

Bless my TWH, Tasha’s Last Tango. For 2 years he’d done nothing, not allowed any one to halter him in the pasture, and been fussy about being haltered in his stall. Shadow, the steady eddy Quarab was supposed to be my ‘therapist’, but as I’m haltering Shadow, who comes up and stands quietly but my dear sweet psychotic auction find. Dad goes to get the halter, and Tango stood like a rock with me leaning against him and while my fingers fumbled with the strap. This horse had a long rough history before us, and while he ended up being an amazing trail horse, haltering or anything involving his head had never been perfect, he never fully lost the headshy issues.

We ‘saved’ him from that auction, and he saved me back. Every day I’d go out and hobble up to the pasture with my cane, catch him, give the cane to my father and lean/hang on Tango for support. He’d get cleaned up, and then we’d walk patterns in the arena. If I got tired, I’d sit on the mounting block and he’d put his head in my lap and rest with me.

After two weeks, I was in much better spirits, and getting around much better, so I returned ‘home’ and to work. On the weekends I’d return to the barn and continue my work there.

Fast forward to the present: I have about 90% of my right side back, 40 on my bad days, and am well adapted to it. I’m the proud mama of a BLM Mustang, an 03 model OTTB and a coming 2yo Kiger TB X. I’m riding, I’m showing (and doing well! Take that doctors!)

Two days ago, it comes back. I can still manage my chores, but don’t feel safe getting in the saddle. The follow ups have lead to speculation it may have something to do with hormone fluctuations during my ‘happy time of the month’. I’ve had multiple miscarriages, ovarian cysts we have to stay ontop of as ovarian and cervical cancers also run in my family…but now I’m in a catch 22. They’re afraid to do the hysterectomy because of my having been diagnosed as having a stroke. The connection between my woman parts and the very symptomatic days is absolute, but neither side (neuro/gyno) can decide what to do at this point.

It’s frustrating, I’d been doing so well, living life full speed ahead and enjoying every up and down it threw at me because of the sense of “It can be taken away at any time” I developed after the stroke. But now I’m afraid again, I was warned I’d have good times and bad times and they couldn’t be predicted, but this is a bit much.

Need a little moral support. I haven’t faced the thought of giving up the horses for this reason, ever, not even in the beginning, but the thought is brewing deep in this dysfunctional brain of mine. On it’s own the fumbling of buckets and light objects is just annoying, and enough to keep me out of the saddle until it resolves, my mare is very kind but very green, if I can’t feel how much pressure I’m applying, that’s not very fair to her, or safe for me. Add in the chronic joint pain (blissfully mostly felt on the left, there have been ‘bonuses’ to having decreased feeling on my right side, as it’s where most of my injuries occur) I’m starting to wonder if I should let go of the dream.

I just wanted to say I am jingling for you like crazy. I wouldn’t give up on the dream with horses, I would just say your goals might need to be re-evaluated. Working with horses brought your body back to where it is but even if your body won’t cooperate, they are great for your mind.

I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope the doctors can come up with a plan that gets you back to riding. Don’t give up!

Thank you. Trying to not freak out about it, but it’s hard, and scary. No real definitive answers, no real clear course to take to resolve it. For now I’m being started back on the neurontin to see if that makes any difference. So for a couple weeks I’ll be out of the saddle anyway, when I started it in 09 it made me woopy. It’s so frustrating, to have come so far, and even passed where I was in my riding before the initial event, to now being afraid to get in the saddle.

Unless maybe I turn to ‘Western Dressage’? We’ve been mostly doing dressage work, my mare and I, but if she were to have a fit I don’t think I’d feel very secure in that saddle, at least with my western I have the “grab the pommel and pray” option and I’ve always felt more secure in a western saddle.

You have to do what you will feel comfortable with. You could also maybe try an offside sidesaddle :slight_smile:

While your body responds to the medication, I would take the time to do lots of ground work, grooming and bonding with your mare. They know when you don’t feel well and hopefully she will be your leaning post so when you do get back in the saddle, she will be very careful with you…

I am so very sorry you have to go thru this at such a young age.:frowning:

Strange as it may sound, I count myself lucky, there’s people younger and worse off than me so I feel like a wuss sometimes when I let it get to me. Whin loves our groomy sessions, so do the others. :slight_smile: Worst case I could always bungee myself into the saddle when I’m ready :lol:

EquineImagined - I’m so sorry to read your story
<<When I’m discharged, it is with the diagnosis that I have in fact had a stroke at 25, likely caused by complicated migraines compressing the already small blood vessels in my brain.>>

I had a stroke at age 52 that was caused by a migraine med compressing the small blood vessals in my brain. I was rushed to the hospital and got the tPA shot. My horse Diesel, a Belgian X was major in my recovery. My neurologist, told me - about a week from the stroke to ride as much as I could, if not my horse, then a therapy horse.

After I got “well”, he took to bolting and I had to sell him because he was not safe for me. another story - how to sell your heart horse! :frowning:

As you found, riding does/did wonders.

could you be experiencing TIAs?

Now fast forward to my present on 11/12/2011 I was bucked off a Fjord mare I was trying out to lease/buy. I fractured my neck vertebrae C7 and dislocated it. I am now fused.

I will most likely not ride again because of balance issues due to the stroke and now due to the added complication of the fused neck.


Jingeling for you…

In March of1987 I began having spells… turned out these spells were seizure activity… Luckly for me not huge fall on the floor grand mal ones. but rather the type that people would only realize what was going on IF they knew what they were looking at. I was 24…

I later learned the seizure activity caused by an ‘‘large’’ artery in my temporal lobe… Large is the nice way to say 5cm in diameter… Along with seizure activity I was having small bleeds into my temporal lobe…

Fast foward to mid May 1990 after being a female dog in attitude I convince the powers that be to allow me to go to the best for their opinion. I go in for a normal apoitment and am told come back on June 2 to be admitted… For 3 weeks I had another test done m-f sometimes 2 tests depending on what the first one was and IF the equipment was available…
I was discharged end of june with instructions to return July (before the 4th) iirc about 3 days… More testing then July 14 1990 I had major surgery… the type where they say well you have the possibility of living but drooling down your shirt for hte rest of your life if we nick the wrong place at the wrong time type surgery… That was what the surgeon said 2 days before the surgery to make sure I still wanted to go through with it.

I trusted my surgeon and neurologists 100% esp after using books and phone ( no internet then ) research and calling NIH to see how they stood in the medical community then their specific specalities… Turns out I had VERY good Drs very very good…

After surgery… I was informed about the artery the size… I was also told that IF I had not had that surgery I had a good chance of the artery rupturing by xmas of that year…

Fast foward 20years to 2 mths ago yup you read that correctly after having annual( when I remember to d them) MRI, CAt, EEG something showed up… Sme weird activity, and something in my right temporal lobe… S my Drs now contact drs from then scary thing is they each remembered me because of the unusualness of what they found when they went in they still use the recording of my surgery for teaching… They flew in, one on each coast now to run some testing and determine what to be done…
After abut 15 tests they determined not t worry about what they thought they saw but oh btw you do have an anurysum outside the brain covering sitting at the end of your skull which we are going ot keep an eye on…annually… Oh and what we saw in the other testing you have some weakining, streaching, thinning and thickening ( wow all at the same time ) of the surgical sight that we will have ot monitor about every 6 mths…

A bit more than I thought I would share but oh well…
As I sit here today I have tingeling on the bottom of each one of my feet, drs have no clue why it is happeneing so probably more testing just hope not another EMG… I have an appoitment with a rhumetologists(sp) in Jan because something wonky came up in a series of tests run at some point…
I worry about this thickening,thinning,streaching but…

I also sometimes get weak and numb also but for me right now I have ot do basically what you ar doing just not to the extent of what you went through I will have to work for every thing I do to get back to pre first attempt o my life by my body… It is doing other things right now which are not neurologically connected…imagine your blood the consistancy of chocolate pudding comming out of your vein…

WOW!!! bumkness jingles for you too! have you been riding still??

I have tingles in both hands - the left from the recent fall and the right from the recent fall and the stroke I had in 2007.

I have been riding off and on for the last 3 or 4 years maybe as long as7. I will however be riding full time again as dh bought my a new horse for xmas. I am blessed with a wondeful sence of balance on a horse… If my feet are not functionig correctlyI dont need them. same with my hands. but in all fairness to my first trainer it may be the hourse of no irons, no reins we did and the hours of dressage instruction… who knows but I can sit well with out any suppport from the things others find support in.

I did not ride until cleared by my surgeon and neuro after my surgery. They woul have pefered that I not at all but they knew me better.
the tingeling and pain I have in my fingers and toes/feet are from either the polycythemia or the essential thrombositois(sp) OR the perferial neuropothy that I have though the neuropothy is under question now with the referal to the rhumetologists(sp). those are the current ‘‘active’’ things going on in my body. the first 2 are a cousins to luekemia which can only be kept under control. the 3rd is in my case pain at the nerve endings for which I am on a buttload of neuro pain meds…

I decided a long time ago (shortly affter my surgery) that if I kept gong on upset over my body and my health I would probably end up in a mental hospital wearing a huggie jacket in a padded room. SO I decided ot live my life as though nothing had occured with just visits to the required Drs. To make sure nothing is going on.

I was told about 10 years ago from the surgeon and the neurologists that the video of my surgery has assisted them and other teaching facilities and schools on how to approach this unusual thing. And yeah they have ‘‘experimented’’ on me diffrent meds to control another thing I forgot about really bad like writers cramping bad only worse because they ahd read somewhere that a med might have some good effect. It didtnt work in my case. So they went on and tried 3 or 4 other meds until they threw their hands up and said have no idea. I have been written up in the neurological societies publication more than once the first after my surgery.

So after all that babbeling I see if my body wishes to try to kill me then I will use it to help others so maybe they dot have to go thorugh what I did. And that was way before the thinking process we have today to ''help others to feel good about yourself." which I am not doing it for. Just so othrs don have to suffer like I did. an apparently it is helping in some way.

See? I feel lucky despite it all because I know it could be much much worse.

Other than a few dizzy spells that knocked me on my rear, been doing fairly well. I have an appt Wed, she’ll decide then if she wants to do another scan. One of the fun theories in the air right now is it may all be connected to a tumble I took in 05, despite the helmet I had a pretty nice little concussion, and just like when I had the initial event labeled as a ‘stroke’, I waited to go to the hospital. That little tumble from my TWH (same one who ended up being my therapy pony four years later) fractured my cheek bone, tore almost every muscle in my back between my shoulders and even 3 days later when I was tired of being so sore and I went to get checked out they wanted me monitored because of my ‘little’ concussion. Nothing major showed up on those scans, but she thinks its possible it rattled things around enough in their that years later it finally manifested physically, or compounded an already existing condition.

It all may also be related to my ‘heat sensitivity’, all my life I’ve been prone to heat exhaustion, which they now think may have been little mini heat strokes.

Brains, I tell you, tricky little buggers! We know so much and so little about them. :frowning:

Could probably start a DBES (dain bramaged equestrian society)

Was tickled after speaking with the doc over the phone. I’m to remain active as I can tolerate, and ride with lots of getting on and off from the right side, and anything that will make me use my right side more. Asked if she could write it down on a prescription and frame it for me. Since my mare is so sensitive, she’s getting some time off as I don’t want to send those mixed signals and confuse her, it results in her little red head fuse getting lit and then a nice little fireworks display. Turning to the haffy for this. He’s low to the ground, requires more leg anyway, and if he gets confused he just turns into a statue until I get my s*** together and ask correctly.

EImagined - it makes me queasy to hear what happened to you. I wish you had seen a doc sooner. :frowning:

but I’m glad to hear you can continue to ride and even have a suitable mount! how lucky!!

I’m sending jingles your way and some hugs!

let us know what happens after your appointment.

Will do, and many thanks. I’m getting kind of anxious about it.

Took the haffy for our first ride since my right side started acting up again, what a work out! So glad I’ve decided to hold off getting on my mare, I knew my feel would be ‘off’ but good grief it was redonk. Lads took good care, and even learned a little while we were at it. Poor guy, I’m putting him up for pony sainthood. Wore myself out and he had to carry me back from our little ring to the barn, and then be my crutch and walk me to the gate. Love that pony, his owner thinks I’m just joking, but if anything ever happens that I have to move from where I am, I’m smuggling him out with my guys.

Kinda poetic, really. I put in two years taking him from psycho hyper reactive basketcase to safe to take on the trails for his older owner, who is herself disabled courtesy of long battle with lyme and back surgery last year. And now he’s serving as my ‘the body don’t work so good but don’t you dare tell me I can’t ride, I’m getting in the saddle!’ go to pony. :slight_smile: He’s crazy kinds of special.

Last spring Mr P started having what seemed to be mini TIA’s, 5 or 6 a day. After a unch of tests they were diagnosed to be an immune reaction to a cold he had a few months earlier.

Who knew???

They disappeared on their own after scaring us out of our minds

Happy update! I was not subjected to being crammed in the tiny space surrounded by the big magnet machine someone lost their hammer in! :smiley:

Ok no one really lost a hammer in the machine but I swear that’s what it sounded like the last three times I had one done.

I got to be a pin cushion, and display my fine adaptability in some physical ‘tests’ and at the end:

My doctor wishes I’d insisted on an earlier appointment, because while I don’t feel any different than I did when I called her last week, I’m managing quite well around the ‘weakness’ but since I never got worse or even as bad as before, she thinks we can forego the brain scanning for now. My anemia, which I’ve had (mild) all my life, has gotten worse, which explains a lot of the increased ease with which I become fatigued (as does the accompanying depression that came with the onset of the symptoms). WBC are fine so no suspicion of infection running rampant anywhere. I do have ‘pretty thick’ blood, with a little too good a clotting factor, so I’m to be more religious about my daily Asprin or she’s putting me on blood thinners and I have to get my finger pricked regularly…may still end up doing that, but we’re trying a conservative approach.

Since while my body NEEDS it, it has an intolerance to iron from anything other than food (found this out the hard way when I was pregnant with my first son, and the iron supps landed me in the hospital for a week with iron poisoning) I’m to take 1/2 a slow release low dose iron supplement. My current activity level is fine, as are my current activities, can increase gradually even! BUT I have to set aside an hour during the middle of the day to at least rest. Nap time!!! Can ride as much as I want/feel safe doing while I’m still adapting as long as it is not more than every other day (what fun is that?) If I don’t improve, or worsen, then I have no choice but to go back in for more tests and the dreaded brain scannie.

She’s not going to make me totally cut caffeine out of my life, just drastically reduce my intake. No artificial sweeteners, I don’t seem to process them very well. Still no seafood :frowning: I’ll miss you crab legs and fish and sushi. Limited tomato products (kill me now!) no nuts and no bacon and TRY to avoid chocolate (as if…) No shock here, though, she wants me to completely give up the smokie treats. No more paper wrapped, filtered, dried and shredded carcinogenic bliss for me. Other drivers, consider yourselves warned. I tried to argue that I hadn’t had a cig in over 6mos at the time of the initial event, and that I’m not on BC, but she wouldn’t hear it. I know, I should give them up anyway. Think of all the things I can buy for the ponies with the money I’ll save!!!

In addition, I have to make an appointment with my GYN to address my ovarian cysts. Between all the other things, and stress, they very well could be throwing my hormones into crazy fluctuations and doing me in. I should be better about getting that particular issue checked, ovarian and cervical cancer runs in the family :frowning:

I’m glad the doctor gave you the okay to still continue to ride! :slight_smile: When you said your body clots blood a little too well, are you Leiden Factor V. If so, it runs in the family. I was tested last year and found out I only have one copy of the gene which is better than having two.

Anyway good luck with quitting smoking. I smoked for about 12 years and gave it up a month ago with the help of wellbutrin. I had tried the patch and other things. The wellbutrin is awesome. If your body can handle it, I recommend it :smiley:

Hopefully your body will continue to get stronger with the help of sainted pony! Keep us updated!

Hope he’s up to the task! He’s a lazy little fellow. Must get back to being comfortable getting on my mare, we have much work left to do and many shows left to attend!

Still thoroughly convinced I need House to piece together the full puzzle that is my defective body. There has to be a real life one somewhere.

Want to thank everyone offering support and sharing their stories, as well. Don’t want to say ‘misery loves company’, but it does help to hear others’ experiences.

good news! to keep on riding. I’m sure it will be difficult to quit smoking. :frowning: but it seems like you got some good info.

once you get your endurance up, I’m sure you will be able to tackle your mare!!

I have an appointment in the afternoon today. am nervous anxious to find out if I am healing. sore in scapular area. some days worse than others and cannot sit up for long periods. :frowning:

I hope that is part of the healing and that I don’t “own” it!

Jingles and good healing vibes for you HannahsMom!


Just am sitting up after nosediving into bed when first got back home! I was bushed!

good news:

I am healing well, but I still have scapular pain and he is uncertain, as of right now if the pain will be with me always or go away with more healing. I am more concerned if I have to continue to lie down to ease this. He had no answer except to say, we have to see how the healing goes!

I go back in 4 weeks and have to continue to wear the Miami J brace. More walking is good as is getting some arm and finger strength.

woo hoo!! doing the happy dance ( in my head) for healing!!!
