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Rio Grande mare to whom should I breed her?

Here, however, is her father’s side, and his picture truly is an EXACT replica of my mare -


In your original post on the H/J forum, and again on this forum, you said your mare was “out of” Rio Bravo. When I asked for clarification, you said her father was Rio Bravo. But the link you have posted above is for Rio Bronco. So, assuming the father is actually Rio Bonco - does he have a dam? :wink:

And, as others have asked, what is your mare’s damline? You have only given us 1/4 of the “recipe” for your mare. What is the rest? That is just as important to the equation as the fact that her grandsire was Rio Grande.

Yes, her sire is Rio Bronco, just a typing error earlier, and her fathers dam was Sandra. I am in the process of finding her papers, Charlot Farms is sending them. I know her mother is a Canadian Warmblood, but will update as soon as I get them.

In the meantime, here are a couple barn photos of her






And her jumping a few years ago