RIP Jonathan Wentz

He was such a very nice young many. Very friendly at the shows and always upbeat. Loved those horses. This is so sad.

What happened? Was it a complication of his disability?

I am so in awe of the Paralympic riders. Whenever my body isn’t “behaving” while I’m riding and I get frustrated, I think about the determination those guys must have. :yes: Makes my troubles seem trivial.



You were an insperation.

I was astounded to read this news this morning on fb. He truly was such an inspiration to all of us. RIP

I’m an SMU alum (where Jonathan was attending) and we were friends on Facebook. Just last week he posted a photo on Facebook of the stall of his horse, Richter, newly adorned with the London 2012 plaque. I couldn’t help but smile and feel proud for him.

I was so sad to read the post this morning by his parents announcing the loss of their son. Amazing how much can change in the blink of an eye. :no:

Very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Such a sad loss. Condolences to those who knew and loved him.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Jonathan accomplished an amazing amount during a life that was far too short. I hope his family can find some small comfort in that, and that he got to live his dream of competing – and representing his country admirably – at the London Paralympics.
Rest in peace.

Jonathan accomplished an amazing amount during a life that was far too short. I hope his family can find some small comfort in that, and that he got to live his dream of competing – and representing his country admirably – at the London Paralympics.
Rest in peace.[/QUOTE]

This exactly^^. Huge condolences to Jonathan’s family and friends.

It was so sad to see this news. My heart breaks for those that knew him and his horse. I know those two had an amazing bond.

I hope his family and friends can find solace in Jonathan’s accomplishments and knowing how many he has inspired.

Rest in peace, Jonathan.