Just passing this on… will try to post photos.
"On 2/16/10 2 horses were taken from the Arlington Heights area of Riverside . Both horses are older mares. 1 horse is a gray horse (pictures to follow) and the other horse is a dark bay quarter/thoroughbred mare (pictures attached)
Duchess is owned by Linda Moeller and she is beyond devastated that her companion of many years has been taken. Duchess is 29 years old, 15.3 hands, dark brown almost black bay with a wide white stripe of her face with a recent scar across her forehead over her eyes. She has 3 white socks, left front club foot with shoes on the front feet only. She often hangs her tongue out. Linda is offering a REWARD for the return of her horse! Please contact Linda at 949-633-9711 or lmoeller38910@roadrunner.com
Please forward this on to you horse community to saturate the word about these missing horses.
Thank you for your kindness!
Lori Harmon"