About the recent op-ed from a 17 year old hunter jumper rider speaking out against MAAP and Safe Sport guidelines… I have a few thoughts. I tried to post earlier, but the forums ate my posts because of the link to the article. Uggh.
So here we go. I want to know what, if any, fact checking was done prior to publishing this op ed? Because I see a few red flags.
- The writer claims to have been “forced” to drop out of a “high school engineering” class that she was in when she was 15 years old.
REALLY? An engineering class for 15 year olds offered in a high school? Did anyone fact check that? Because that doesn’t jive with what many of us know about real world academic options for 15 year olds. Even classes involving advanced math and science. Or engineering classes (which are offered in COLLEGE, not high school, and almost always require an established foundation in terms of calculus… which even gifted 15 year olds typically don’t yet have ).
- The writer claims she cried a lot about the situation with boys singing a song in this high school engineering class that was all about her performing a sexual act (presumably fellatio) on her horse - and she cried in the sophomore counselors office.
Yet she was “forced to drop the class.”
Uh - was there any fact checking on that whole story? Because a high school counselor is a mandatory reporter. Denying a female an educational opportunity because of a hostile educational environment is a legal issue. It’s covered by Title IX in terms of institutions of higher learning in our country. I’m not sure what laws cover high school students… but I don’t think it’s legal to “force” this girl to “drop” the class.
Sooo - was there any fact checking done on this? Did anyone else verify hearing the song? How many kids were in this class? Who was the teacher? Were there Any witnesses to this public, humiliating bullying, that happened in an engineering class? What about the counselor? Did the Chronicle contact the counselor for comment? Do they at least have the name of the counselor? And confirmation there is a counselor with that name working at this girl’s high school? Seriously. I have so many questions about all of this.
One last question… for all the other folks out there who have taken advanced math and science courses in high school and college, and studied engineering… all of which requires a certain degree of academic focus… how many of you experienced bawdy classroom environments involving sexist males singing songs out loud about bestiality? Did this impact your ability to focus and learn complicated topics? Because I would think that this MIGHT be an issue. Just a thought.
- On to the issue of “Jillian” who is a CPS professional who rides at this young person’s barn, and upon whom this minor relied for advice and support during this ordeal…
Jillian, if she exists, is a mandatory reporter. Did anyone fact check as to whether or not Jillian exists? If so, and this girl came to Jillian and told her about this sexualized bullying at her high school, the time she spent crying in an office of a high school counselor (also a mandatory reporter) and how this 15 year old girl was “forced” to drop out of the “engineering” class… did Jillian report anything about all this to anyone? The girl claims “Jillian” connected her with “resources” because of Jillian’s connection to CPS? Really? What resources? Is anyone suing the high school? The counselor? Has the teacher been disciplined for allowing this behavior in the classroom? I think the teacher is a mandatory reporter too. Did they report anything? If not, why not?
- What about this girl’s parents? She is from what one can only assume is an upper middle class background… because someone has funded this child’s lessons and participation in hunter jumper competitions up to this point. That requires money, and time and effort on the parent’s part in terms of supporting and facilitating their child’s desire to participate in this expensive sport. So what role did they play when she had trouble in this high school engineering class at the age of 15? Did the school ever notify them of this whole incident, and the fact that their 15 year old daughter was crying in a counselors office? Did anyone tell the parents that fellow students were spreading rumors this 15 year old girl was performing sex acts on her horse? That’s actually pretty disturbing… did anyone investigate as to how exactly these children came to a point in which they were discussing something like that publicly? It’s disturbing… if it’s untrue about the girl, why did these young boys make this up? Were they sexually abused by someone? Or exposed to abusive behavior as children? It’s all sort of bizarre. If all this was just ignored by the school… why was this girl “forced” to drop the class? How did that work? Did the teacher or counselor just say, “Too bad kiddo. Boys will be boys, and if you want to be a female engineer, you need to get used to it.” Lol! Seriously?!? Did her parents say the same thing? I mean, why did this child later have to turn to “Jillian” - an adult at the barn who works for CPS for support and advice in terms of connecting to “resources”? Not a teacher, counselor, school principal, parents… nope… “Jillian.”
The parents have enough resources to support the child in terms of horse showing. Why is the child relying on CPS resources when coping with sexual harassment in high school? That doesn’t make sense. Anyone who knows much about the work CPS does, knows that resources are INCREDIBLY limited (shamefully so, in fact), CPS across the country is overworked and underfunded, and caseloads often involve horrific physical and sexual abuse of children who are frequently poor, and from minority backgrounds. Caucasian high school students who want to study engineering, who also have wealthy parents who support horse showing? And are experiencing bullying that sounds horrible… but does not involve an immediate physical threat to the minor? Not normally the sort of thing CPS has “resources” to assist with.
Sorry if I offend anyone… but I am calling this one as I see it. I’m actually concerned about the possibility that much of this story was fabricated/exaggerated… and now this young lady and her family will have to deal with the fall out that might come from nationally publishing this op ed, and attaching this 17 year old girl’s name to it.
Maybe its all true, and the parents are suing the high school as we speak. And the piece the girl wrote had some holes because she is… 17. But the whole thing strikes me as off. Very off.