Rocket finally breaks her maiden

Given that I have some Racing board members that were following her story. My filly “Great Rocket” that I bought at Fasig on a whim and had in training has now (last night) finally broken her maiden for her breeder, who I sold her back to.

This was her first start after having a knee chip removed and doing the subsequent layup etc.

I had my doubts how well it would go since she’d only had 1 breeze since she returned to the track in late November. But she got her nose out there and won. I’m thrilled for her breeder as he really has tried to do right by her. They ended up having a banner night with 3 horses run and 1 win and 2 seconds.

I’m hoping that her division of nw1x doesn’t turn out to be too tough. But if it is I know they’ve already chosen who they would breed her to if they opt to go down that route. But overall I am glad her health and happiness is a priority.


Congratulations to both you and her breeder!

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God this win picture is lacking LOL. I will likely still buy it though!!!


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Congratulations all around! Hope Rocket takes another, better win photo soon.

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Congratulations! I though you turned her into an eventer or other type of sport horse.

No we originally had her with the idea of being a steeplechaser. And honestly she was excelling readily at 3+ mile gallops. She has a deep love for galloping on turf and the further she goes the happier she is. But we knew she shouldn’t just come out into a race without the proper beginnings. So we trained her at Jonathan Shepard’s (As his assistant trainer was her trainer) we had planed to run her at Delaware or Laurel, possibly on turf, but knew she would need a dirt run or two. So we sent her to Penn to get her gate card with a trainer friend of her trainer. At Penn, as can happen, things fell apart a bit. Long story short she came home almost 4 months later with shins and no gate card.

We rehabbed her and got her back to right but by then as I looked at the money involved I knew I couldn’t keep up. So I talked to her breeder and he offered to do right by both of us and bought her back for almost my full price. He promised to do right by her and always keep me in the loop. He’s fulfilled both promises in spades.

She knows how to jump and likes it but as a 3 yr old we didn’t pound on her much. Just a lot of logs in the woods and a couple hops over the baby hurdles. The plan had been to run her over hurdles the following year in late spring. We just didn’t get there due to the problems at Penn.



Great update, congrats

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This is a cool story, and respect to you and the breeder for doing all you’ve done for this mare. Congrats!

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I hope you had some money on her at those odds!!! If her owner/breeder did, then his payday was worth all the heartache.

I didn’t. Lol. Afraid to curse her.

